~*~Chapter 6~*~

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𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝑜'𝓈 𝒫.𝒪.𝒱.:

When I left after everyone had i disided to take a moment before going home and so instead of going straight home I went to the store to buy some food/ snacks for the sleepover tonight.

When I got there I saw it was mostly empty as it was mid day and not a lot of people come around this time since they're either just getting home from school or still at work.

After i was done i went to pay and leave. Let's just say that with all these snacks and food supplies that i buy for them every sleepover I know I'm definitely the favorite of the group because if I was any other person this stuff would have made a dent naw a WHOLE in my pockets.

After leaving I went on my way to hell- I mean "home". Thinking about what's to greet me when I get there just agitates me.

So let's talk about it shall we? Basically my parents were an arranged marriage at 19 and 20 so they could produce a child to represent for both of their family's. But after not getting a kid with a good quirk or having only one kid who eventually ran away with said " amazing quirk" and having to make another. They eventually had me after 3 try's ..... ew I don't know why I said it like that :(.

Basically after I was born and my oldest brother ran away and my family went to complete shit. My mom though looks like a wonderful kind woman who is a amazing mother is actually a narcissist, critical, asshole of a woman who ignored my pain and crying for help and comfort all my years of abuse just bc of the money and fame.

Then my father oh well he's an abusive,crazy, overpowered, egotistical, power hungry, basic rich ass whole. Who's been Abusing me from the time I could walk and talk.

And then my so called siblings please I don't call them such things, because yes they have every right to mad at my father for never being there for them but not only are they mad at my dad there for some reason are mad at me. They know to some extent that I was abused but they never got to see or hear it first hand as my mom would always have them some where else or go somewhere with them when she knew it was going to happen.

And yet they blame be and call me a spoiled brat who never wants to talk to his so called lower then him sibling. First of all my family knows I go by They/ Them and not one of them respects it and secondly when I was younger I would always try to talk to them but they always ignored me or said they would play with me and then forget, I learned then at the young age of 8 not to get my hopes up for anything!

So when I came out as they/them it went to hell it wasn't until I was 14 that I started to fight back at lest a little. Now I steal endeavors credit card and ignore them for low periods of time.

Though I did start to notice that my sister has been trying to be nicer and get the family together but I'm not doing that bull shit so she can take that family love something else for all I care.

Well I'm home let's set up this sleep over shall we?. Walking in the house I don't see anyone so I go to the kitchen and see a note on the counter. Turns out my mom and dad went to a hero meeting for endeavor so they won't be back till next Monday and my sister has a field trip with her students so she'll be back tomorrow morning.

So looks like they found a way not to be here when my friends are over so good. Walking out the kitchen I go up stairs to my room.

The fun part of my room is that it's in the addict so I have my own bathroom and stuff to my self and also it make me feel like I'm in my own little apartment just without the kitchen.

Well let's get started on these snacks for this sleep over so I don't have to hear there voices about it later.


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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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