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Ok... Let's get some comments :).. Sorry for not writing a new chapter (authors note) had to get written, anyways to the story!!
Luce: how could people possibly have thought me and natsu where going out!! It's just so un realistic!!
.110 likes. 305 comments.
Laxus: um lucy, everybody can see that you two like eachother!
Happy: he likes yooou!!
Mira: yay!! My ship is coming true!!
Nab: ever since you came to the guild I thought you guys where dating.
Luce: what nab!!!??
Wendy: I'm sorry but Laxus is right Lucy.
Loke: that's why I never asked you out lucy.
Luce: why loke?
Loke: because I thought you where dating natsu.
Luce: NO!
Master: you to have such a sweet love!!
Cana: oh does lucy finally have a boyfriend?
Luce: no Cana it's a mis understanding!
Elfman: wow your guys love is so MANLY!!
*end of comments*
Luce: how!!
Gray: how what lucy?
Luce: how could people think I was dating natsu?
Gray: it's obvious, and it's not that big of a deal, Juvia thinks me and her are dating.
Juvia❤️: but we are my love.
Gray: see
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Fire!!: hey Luce, can I talk you in a private chat?
Luce: um sure natsu one second.
*private chat*
Luce: yes natsu?
Fire!!: um..
Luce: uh natsu?
Fire!!: ok I'm just going to et this over with...
Luce: yes?
Fire!!: since everybody thinks where dating, why don't we give it a try?
Luce: are you asking me out?
Fire: ummmm ya... Just to try it out and all, we can keep it a secret?
Luce: sure, but we have to keep it a secret ok?
Fire!!: ALRIGHT!! Yes!!! Whooah!!
Luce: ok natsu stop let's get out of this chat room.
Fire!!: ok
* out of private chat*
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Gray: why was that about lucy?
Luce: oh nothing, he just wanted to know how to spell realistic but he didn't want to sound stupid.
Gray: wow what a loser!!
Juvia❤️: gray-Sama isn't a loser :) gray-Sama knows how to spell.
Luce: I guess Juvia.

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