Zeke- tomorrow

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FLUFF also I wanna mention I have like a spinner of names of the people I chose and if it should be fluff or smut so if you wonder why there isn't eren or Levi etc yet then yeah

Tomorrow was the day your beloved boyfriend Zeke would leave to start his mission that might last a while. You felt very down about it, but you also wanted to spend as much time with him as you could. You decided to make you two a little picnic lunch.

You got your nice basket and made some of his favorites. Sandwiches, cream to dip some fruit in, a bottle of champagne and some other stuff. You wore a nice yellow sundress with a hat since you didn't feel like getting sun burn.

You left your shared home to meet him at the main building he would usually have meeting at. You waiting for a few minutes, your feet growing tired of standing until you saw a tall blond figure coming your way. Your face lit up, his arms out for you to run into them "Hi my beautiful girl" he smiled, taking you into his arms and kissing your forehead "what are you doing here?" He looked down at you, a smile on his face.

You heard up the picnic basket "I was thinking we could go up on the hill for a little time together. You smiled up at him. He gently took your hand in his and smiled. He stood up straight and smiled "then let's go!" He yelled out, you two started to walk together like you were a soldier or something.

Once you two made it to the hill looking out into the sea. It was absolutely gorgeous too, the sea sparkling a little bit because of the sun, you guys had it perfect in Marley. Zeke took the checkered blanket and laid it down you set down the basket and sat down on the blanket, zeke sat across from you.

You pulled out the food, laying it on the blanket, zeke was already going for a sandwich, noticing it was his favorite he took a bite and dramatically rolled his eyes back "how do you make them so perfect?" He asked, taking another bite. You laughed softly "I don't know, my grandma thought me." You said, taking a bite of your own.

It didn't take him long for him to finish it. He looked at you as you continued to eat yours "that dress looks really nice on you." He said, your cheeks flushing at him compliment "thank you" you smiled, finishing up you sandwich and taking a sip of your drink.

He smiled eating a strawberry and standing up his hand out for yours. You raised an eyebrow "what are you doing?" He laughed and grabbed your hand "come on let's dance" he said bringing you up to your feet "Zeke there's no music." You laughed, your hand on his shoulder, his hand in the other. "Who said we needed it?" He smiled as you two danced with either.

"Make sure to stay safe tomorrow." You said. He smiled reassuringly at you "I will, it's not that hard, get the boy and go." You were wondering what his mission was about, but then again it wasn't your business.

You two continued to dance for a few more minutes, he hummed the ending if a tune as you two stopped and sat back down. "This is very nice sweetie, you did a good job." You smiled and dipped some kiwi onto the cream you made "it was surprisingly easy" you said eating the kiwi.

Zeke smiled and completely forgot about the mission, his mind only on you and the day you two spent together.

This one was kinda short but I hope you liked it

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