Chapter six - Oops

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"Hey there" Sarah said with a smile. She walked over to the fridge to the left of the sofa. She sighed disappointingly upon opening the fridge door and closed it momentarily after.

She turned around and looked at me as I stood by sliding doors. I hadn't said hello back. It had been a good 20 seconds since she had greeted me. My brain was rendered kaput. I can't say hello back to her now it'd be weird, I waited too long.

A short "Hi" left my lips.

"It took you that long to process a hello?" she laughed, "anyway, there's nothing in here," she was referring to the desolate terrains of the empty fridge, "the production assistant hasn't gone to buy personal food yet, so how about we head down to the buffet tent?"

"Sounds good to me" I replied, quicker this time. I was desperately trying hard not to act like a complete imbecile in front of her from now on.

Sarah nodded and smiled faintly at my words of agreement and walked past to me to open the door of the trailer, "After you", she said humorously, bowing and gesturing outside.

I laughed at her silliness and strode in an elegant manor towards her, going along with joke, the incredible fragrance of lavender hitting me as a walked past. Her scent was glorious. It baffled me briefly and I nearly tripped down the steps.

Luckily, Sarah saw that my gaze was elsewhere and grabbed my waist before I could misplace my foot. It felt like one of those slow motion romantic sweeps that you see in films.

Her hand wrapped around my waist, our faces were close together. Once more I felt the alluring intensity of her breath on my cheek and her stare. I was truly captivated by this woman.

My euphoric moment came to a halt as my feet found the ground once more.

"You need to watch where you're going Y/N" she sounded concerned but also slightly embarrassed for me.

"Hah yeah I know, I have two left feet honestly," I admitted, embarrassed, gathering myself and continuing down the steps, paying great attention this time.

She followed me down the steps and we began walking towards the food tent. It was so close to our trailer that we arrived there in about a minute.

The tent was bustling with crew members but i recognised no cast members just yet. Sarah had mentioned that she'd arrived early. They'd probably arrive tomorrow, I guessed.

We walked through to the far side of the buffet table and I watched Sarah swipe a plate off a pile. Following her, I did the same and trailed slowly after her, shuffling awkwardly.

"What do you like the look off Y/N?" he called back to me, shovelling a whole lot of pasta onto her own plate.

My mind suddenly went blank as I looked at the food displayed out in front of me. Honestly I hadn't been paying attention to anything but Sarah the whole time we'd been in here.

"Err I'll probably just have what you're having," I laughed nervously, grabbing the spoon for the pasta dish as she moved on to pay.

She looked at me in an admiring way as I visibly struggled to get a portion onto my plate with only one hand. The dish was shifting all over place as I pushed the serving spoon into the pasta and I started panicking with embarrassment.

I saw Sarah's hand fly into my eyesight as she grabbed the dish to steady it for me. I sighed relief and smiled at her. As much as it was embarrassing, the fact that she saw me struggling and came to help was nice.

After I had a plate full, we paid and sat down at a table set up in the corner. Sarah was eating already and I found myself just watching her, my knife and fork in hand, resting on the edges of my plate.

I never thought I could be so entranced by a woman eating pasta but here I was. Just the way she held the cutlery was glorious, her hands...

"What are you looking at?" she snapped me out of my trance, making me jump.

She giggled and dabbed at her mouth with a paper thin napkin, "You are so jittery, you ok?"

"I- yeah I'm just, nervous still I guess," I lied again, taking my fork and stabbing a tube of pasta cautiously.

Sarah crossed her arms on the table and her eyes grew narrow with playful suspicion, "So there is isn't any other reason you're acting all weird?"

I looked up and met her intense stare, she was trying to prise the truth out of my little body and I wasn't gonna let anything slip. She couldn't know how much I adored her. It would be weird.

"No, I promise, I'm just trying to get used to this place you know, it's a lot meeting your favourite director and your celebrity crush in one day," I said.

Oh crap. So much for not letting anything slip.

Sarah sat back in her chair and started smiling at me, maintaining eye contact and nodding her head slowly, "ahhh I see, I knew I could get it out of you."

My eyes were wide and I hadn't blinked for about a minute. Why can't I keep my mouth shut oh my god!
I was honestly kinda shocked at myself, I was usually so good with keeping secrets. Granted, Sarah was good at playing the game.

My head fell forward into my hands as I waited for her to say something else. She didn't. She just looked at me with her glamorously enchanting eyes, diving into my literal soul while I pondered my very own existence.

"So I didn't-" I began trying to fix it.

I was interrupted by the voice of a woman coming from close behind me. I recognised it but couldn't place it.

I saw Sarah's eyes shift up and away from me, her eyes grew wide with excitement and she leapt up from her chair, to hug whoever it was I suppose. Must be someone she knew, I guessed.

I swivelled my head round and observed a tall attractive woman, blonde hair cascading far past her shoulders.

Hold up a minute. That was Lily Rabe standing there.

What on earth was she doing here?!

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