Let Me Explain

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A.N : Thank Yuhh to the people that voted/commented in the last chapter. It makes my day just looking at them :) This chapter is dedicated to all of you. Well here is the next chapter with some DRAMA!!!

P.S: This is all in Zayns P.O.V

~Chapter 3~

Let Me Explain

Zayn’s (P.O.V)

Lili stared at me for a split second as Marty introduced her to us. “Lilianna this is One Direction ,the band I hear you listen to i’m sure you know who they are ,and guys this is Lilianna Moore my assistant who is working here as an intern for her collage”. I couldn’t believe she actually hears our music. “Hi” said the boys while I just stood there in complete shock. I’m sure the boys hadn’t realized this was the Lilianna that stole my heart 2 years ago.”Umm hi” was all she said as she walked out of the room looking a little furious.

I really wanted to talk to her.

Marty had everything ready even Liam’s and Niall’s guitars were here, management probably dropped them off. “I’ll let you guys get settled and your voices warmed up . I’ll be back in a couple of minutes would you like anything to eat or drink?” he asked as he opened the door. “Umm can I get a pepsi?” asked Harry, Niall asked for some cake ,and Lou asked for carrots. I chuckled because Louis can never go a day without eating those things. “Sure” was all Marty responded as he walked out the door.

“Zayn why didn’t you say hello to that girl? It looked like you were drooling over her,she was pretty but you have to have manners you know?” Liam scolded. I didn’t say anything for a while because I was still prossesing that I still had feelings for a girl I hadn’t seen in so long .“Because thats the girl that we were talking about before we came here,the girl I had to break up with in the X-factor” I stammered.

“Awwwww thats soooo cute” ,“Looks like little Zayn still has his heart owned by a girl he hasn’t seen in-” Louis and Harry were saying in little girl voices until Liam cut them off. “What?!, you should talk to her”

“I don’t think so she looked quite mad when she saw me”

“You’ll never know she might forgive you. By the looks of it we can see you still have feelings for her.”

“It’s been two years, she probably has a boyfriend already”

Niall looked at me and said “Stop acting negative and like Li said you’ll never know if you don’t at least try.I’ve never seen you react like this over a girl so i’m sure you’re dying to talk to her”.

I knew I was, but I was scared she would blow up on me after what I did. I had broken up with her through the phone,with no explanation as in why or anything.

“You should” said Harry as he pulled me out of my thoughts and Louis shook his head agreeing.

Before I was able to say anything we heard a knock on the door of the studio. We looked up and said “come in” expecting it to be Marty. Lili opened the door with carrots and a pepsi in one hand and cake in the other.I had forgotten about the food.

“Here you go guys” she said and gave them a small smile without even looking in my direction. “Thanks love”, “thanks” said the boys. “You’re welcome” she said as she turned on her heels ,but I grabbed her wrist and turned her around before she could leave. “Can we talk?” I asked.

“NO, and right now i’m working” she said with anger in her voice. “Please just really quick” I said my voice breaking a little.

She hesitated ,“Okay but you have only 2 minutes” she said while looking past my shoulder to the guys who were mysteriously quiet. I could see her blush as she turned back to me. They were probably staring.

“Thats all I need” and with that we walked out to the corridor that we entered through.

“Look i’m so sorry for what I did, when I saw you again a couple minutes ago...I realized that I still....”

“That you still what?” she asked with a hint of hope in her voice and losing the anger. She could still love me I thought.

“I s-still like you” I said she didn’t say anything and avoided my eyes at all cost so I said something. “Will you forgive me please? Do you still have any feeling for me at all?” she then looked at me with tears welling up in her eyes.

“No you’re lying like you did last time. You’re just trying to make a fool of me again!” She was gonna storm off but I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to me our faces inches apart.

“No thats not true I still...I still love you ,and if you don’t feel the same....say it” I could feel tears forming in my eyes but I didn’t care I just wanted her to tell me she doesn’t love me no more and i’ll leave her alone.

“Zayn I-I” she stuttered .Looking into my eyes and she let her tears run down her cheek as I wiped them with the back of my hand.

“Yes,love?” I whispered. “I still love you ,bu-” I cut her off by pulling her closer, if that was even possible and crashed my lips to hers. In the beginning she didn’t respond but then I felt her lips move along with mine making me smile into the kiss.

Something unexpected happened and she pulled her hands between her chest and mine and pushed me away. What?! didn’t she just say she loved me? I am so confused. I could see she began crying again.

“No you’re going to do the same thing you did last time!” she exclaimed while I was still in pure shock.

“No I won’t!” I yelled back with new tears forming in my eyes “Let me explain what happened last time, Simon made-” this time she cut me off. “There is nothing to be explained Zayn ,you left me with no explanation and I never want to see you again!” with that she turned around and stormed off through the front entrance.

I just stood there with tears streaming down my face. I heard a door open but didn’t bother to turn. I just couldn’t believe she didn’t even let me explain.


Thanks for reading guys please tell me what you think don't forget to vote and comment :)

~Jackie :D

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