Chapter 1

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*Natasha's P.O.V.*

As I walk in the city I see little girls and boys playing with big,giggly smiles on their faces. I smile to myself for a moment. I wish I could have had that when I was that age, but the KGB, a HYDRA organization, took it away from me and made me a monster. Flashbacks go through my head, as I try and clear them, but one still sticks out.


"Natalia please step forward" a gaurd said. I stepped forward keeping my eyes on the ground. "Yes, sir?" I said my voice oblivious with fear.

"Mr. Pierce has requested to see you, he is giving you your first mission. You should feel honored" The guard said has he let no emotion into his voice.

"I am sir." I said. The guard escorts me into Mr. Peirce's office. As I go in I see a man with long dark hair, with metal arm. The Winter Soldier, I thought he was a myth.

" Hello Natalia, do you know why I sent you to my office?" Mr.Pierce asked.

"To give me my first mission" I said not making eye contact.

"Yes, that's right. Your first mission is simple, you need to take out a man named Robert Hamilton. He has done bad things that aren't in favor for us. He's a weakness. Will you be able to eliminate him?" Mr.Peirce asked.

"With all respect, sir, I don't think I will be able to e-eliminate him." I said while stuttering.

"Well Natalia your doing it anyway. Whether you like it or not. Soldier take her to The Red Room. Wipe her and make her do it." He said while mentioning to the mysterious man in the corner.

"NO PLEASE DONT MAKE ME PLEASE" I yelled as I was dragged away,moments away from my.first murder, and my first memory wipe.

*End of flashback*

I shutter, but quickly regain myself. I walk into S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters. All the trainies and techs all in their own little world. I am suddenly paged but Fury. I continue to walk into his office.

"Hello Agent Romanoff" Fury said in his usual gruff voice.

"Hello sir" I said sternly.

"I'm giving you a mission. There has been multiple killings in Russia, all say by a mysterious women in all black. I am asking you to shadow in Russia along with the rest of the Avengers and figure out who this mysterious women is." Fury said as he briefed me.

"Sir, do you think this is....another....the KGB?" I said as the worst thoughts ran through my head.

"I'm afraid it might be, Romanoff. That's why I sending you in"

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