Chapter 3

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*Clint/Hawkeye POV*

What was so important the Fury wanted us to go to Natasha's? Everybody knows to never go to Natasha's without her directly telling you. Well if Fury tells us to, its probably really urgent. The rest of the Avengers and I go up to her house, Steve knocks, but no response. "Why isnt she answering?" Steve said with worry written across his face.

"I dont know, maybe shes in the shower, or something" Stark said in a duh tone.

"Well, if she is, we are going to have to get her attention" I said, hoping when she answers, she wont choke me with her thighs. "Here goes nothing" I banged on the door, i knew she heard us when there was movement in the inside.  Finally, she let us in.

"Come on in guys, theres alot i need to fill you in on" She said while walking back into the apartment.

"What's going on Tash?" I said.

"Well, im sure you are all well informed about my past an-"  She was cutt of by Stark saying "No, we arent so please entertain us"

Natasha rolled her eyes and started to explain, "Well when i was younger, Russia was not a pleasant place to live. We didn't have anything, and it was a mess. My family was very poor, so in order to get money they sent me to serve the country. Most of the country only thought that only boys were enrolled in the Military, however not alot of people knew about the KGB. They took me in, at the time i only thought i was going to help with wounded soldiers, or help get supplies" Natasha soon found tears starting to well up in her eyes. She pushed them away and continued. "But when they put me into a room with other girls, i knew this wasn't what i thought it was. That was when Peirce came in {AN: This takes place after TWS} He told us we were talented young women, who had great potential. Soon enough I was being trained, how to use a gun, how to kill a person with one move, and how to seduce,and gain trust. Then they notied me becoming greater and greater than all the other girls. They gave me my first mission at the age of 17. When i refused, i learned about The Red Room. They brainwashed me to do it. And thats were this mission comes in" Natasha said finishing her story.

Dang i knew it was bad, but not that bad. Shes my best friend she explained what happened but only breifly, i knew not to ask.

"What mission?" Bruce asked

*Natasha POV*

"What mission?" Bruce Banner asked.

"Fury didnt tell you about the mission? Damn him, he left it to me. " I said  "Well, there has been multiple killings in Russia, all that saw it say it was done by a women in all black. Due to my past, Fury thinks that the KGB has risin up agian, and are targeting me. He wants us to shadow in Russia, and find out who the women is" I said filling them in.

"Okay, but why is it all of a sudden starting back up. Its been a while since you escaped. Why now?" Stark asked.

"They know where i am, and they want me back. I know it, its a warning that they are coming." I said, fear and disgust in every word.

They all looked unsure, but soon they all said, "Okay were in"

"You didnt have a choice boys" I said with my signature smirk. This is gonna be fun.

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