Ch. 1: Normal Life Pt. 2

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"WHAT?! THAT'S NOT RIGHT, I'M THE ONE THAT'S SUPPOSED TO GET SHUJI!!" Megumi screamed, startling even the squirrel outside the window.

"Enough! Megumi, detention!" Ms. Haruta said, turning into a blue fire demon (very trained fire demon so not common). Startled, Megumi sat back down, looking like she was going to erupt. Aiko sat down next to Shuji and glanced over at him friendly-like. He had dark hair and a mask over his mouth, his eyes were a deep red the color of blood; basically, he seemed emo or something.

When Shuji saw Aiko waving at him, he transformed to have welcoming blond hair and cerulean eyes. He smiled and waved at her. Whoa, I can see why Megumi likes this guy, she thought, trying to focus on class. Soon, the class was over and Aiko was walking over to History.

Once she slid into her seat, the girl next to her immediately started talking to her, "Hi, my name's Kotori. You can just call me Koto if you'd like. Ooh, nice backpack. Hey, did you know that this classroom used to be the teacher's lounge? Yeah, and- oh the teacher's coming here and by the way what's your name?"

Confused, Aiko blinked and said, "Um, hi, my name's Aiko...?" Kotori nodded and looked ahead at the screen and started scribbling some notes into her notebook. The few minutes before class ended, Kotori asked Aiko if she wanted to have lunch with her and her other friend at the crystal-window benches. Aiko agreed and declared her a friend as she walked to P. E.

In P. E., the coach blew her whistle and called everyone into a line to declare our main forms.

"Kotori, you're a common bunny. Next! Sapphire, you're a common angel. Next! Shuji, you're a rare wolf demon. Next! Megumi, you're a common jellyfish. Next! Koyuki, you're-"


"ENOUGH!" the coach shouted. "Miss Megumi, your behavior is unacceptable! You will see the principal now!" Megumi angrily stomped to the door and slammed it.

"Ok, so, Kotori, you're a common jellyfish as well. Tara, you're a common rat since your name backward is a rat. Next! Ruo, you're..." Soon, it was Aiko's turn.

"...rare. Lastly, Aiko. You are a cat wolf, considered rare, almost uncommon but not quite. You may all practice transforming and can ask me what your other forms are if you have any." While Aiko was sitting at the benches, Reo came over to her.

"Hi, Aiko, right? Mind if I sit with you?"

"I don't mind. I mean, it's not my bench, is it?" Aiko laughed a bit, along with Reo.

"U-um, Aiko, you, um..." Reo stuttered. "Um, you're, YOU'RE VERY PRETTY!"

"Thanks, Reo!" she smiled at him, making him fall over. "Reo?! Are you ok?!" Aiko transformed quickly and caught him before he fell(the P. E. area is floating on a cloud for the students to fly down for practice but for the others that can't fly, there is an elevator for them to get up on).

"Wow, you transform pretty quick Aiko," the teacher said when she walked by. Before Aiko could say anything it was time to go. The rest of the day went on with the same typical stuff happening. Except she met someone named Chiyoko in Health who turned out to be gay and fell in love with Kotori.

At the end of the day, Aiko went over to the back alley(near the school) where she saw a little cat; she went over to feed the poor kitty (in alleys u can't fly cuz criminals could get away like that so you're basically trapped if the way you came in was blocked AKA A MAGIC BARRIER AROUND THE ALLEY).

Megumi and her friends saw Aiko going in there and decided to pay her back for what happened (Megumi got out of detention by lying to the principal).

Megumi went over to a small group of boys and said,

"Hey, see that cute girl Aiko over there?"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"Why don't you boys go over and get to know her, huh?"

"Hmmm, that's a good idea; I mean for once the girl we're talking to won't be able to run away. Let's go boys!" Aiko was just finishing up when the boys came over. The cat jumped down and hissed at the group of boys. They just laughed and the leader of them (Kotah) picked up the cat and magic shot it away.

"Hey!" Aiko angrily shouted. She was about to transform when she remembered that if someone other than police/running from criminals tries to transform it won't work. Kotah got closer to Aiko as she backed away, but then 2 other dudes grabbed her arms so she couldn't attack them.

(Meanwhile...) Megumi was standing there as she saw the boys do their job. Meanwhile, she didn't see that the owner of this story's friend flew over and dragged her by her jacket and dragged her into the air. Megumi yelled, "HEY! LET GO!"

Everyone looked up and said at the same time, "Who is that? Eh, I guess it was just karma." Then they all started laughing. The friend Kira started flying faster upward so she won't hear them laughing and stopped, then started flying straight.

"HEY, I SAID LET GO!" Megumi cried out in anger. She was clinging onto her jacket for dear life.

"If I let go you do realize you will drop to your death but that would be an amazing idea hmmm..." Kira said as she stopped in the middle of the air.

"Wait no please don't PLEASE!"

"Fine." Kira started flying away again. Kira then went to school. She went to the principal and showed the principal the Pass to change some of the storylines. The principal nodded and Kira went to the detention room and yeeted Megumi inside. Megumi hit the wall headfirst and fainted. Kira then told the principal, "Don't let her out until... hmmm... I guess when the owner says so." Then Kira disappeared.

(Ok back to where we were before...)Aiko was getting nervous when suddenly one of the dudes put a blindfold over her so she couldn't see. She could feel, smell, hear, and taste but couldn't see the air blowing against her. She got even more nervous when she felt one of them(probably Kotah) walk close while whispering among his friends.

Right when Kotah was going to do something that would probably scar her for life, a slash of magic went through the air and knocked the boys down. Aiko untied her blindfold and saw that one of them landed in between her legs underneath her and she kicked him angrily. Another slash of magic went through the air, almost blowing Aiko away. Slashes of magic kept coming and suddenly someone came down and grabbed Aiko by the waist and flew towards the school.

"Eek! Let go of me!" Aiko said, struggling to get out of grip until she realized that she might get hurt if she did. Once at the school, she saw who the person holding her was; Shuji.

"You ok? I saw those creeps trying to do something to you," Shuji said, helping to dust her off. Before she could answer, he flew off, leaving her at the front of the school.

"The cat!" she suddenly remembered, running off in the direction of where the cat was thrown. Once there, she found it wobbling to a bush. Aiko gently picked it up and ran in the direction of the vet when she heard a scream.

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