❤ Seven ❤

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"All I know about the guy is that he's he's an eminent hitman and chief enforcer for Kingpin, I don't have the slightest clue why he was after Peter." May spoke, leaning her shoulder against the doorway. "Kingpin? Who's that?" Miles pitched in, taking a step forward. "He owns the deadly villian team." May confirmed with a heavy sigh, rubbing her face. Miles and I exchanged nervous looks, but I simply straightened my posture and looked back to her.
"You know anything about fighting? We could use some pointers."

May gently chuckled, her arms folding stiffly over her chest. "Hun, I may not be capable of being your practice-opponent, but I know a thing or two about Spider-Man's fighting tactics."

"Soo.. Guess that's a no on the web swinging practice?" Miles asked, as we settled ourselves back into May's basement.
"First thing's first, your webs are faster than a bullet. You see a gun being aimed at you? Don't hesitate, the moment you shoot a web it'll yank the gun away the moment before the trigger is pulled. Got that?" May instructed, raising a brow at Miles who was fishing a notepad out and messily noting down every word she said. "Anyways," May blinked, "The Prowler has no superhuman abilities, but don't let that underestimate him. He's an intelligent inventor, and he's installed many death-defying gadgets into the suit of his."

"Yeah, yeah, noted. Are you aware of his weaknesses?" I pressed on impatiently, rubbing my forehead. May shot me an annoyed look, like, 'are you gonna let me finish?' I quickly shut up, watching as Miles continued to scribble down words onto his notepad.
"No, I'm afraid I'm not aware of that one. Anyways, if you wanna be able to fight without getting yourselves killed within fives minutes, you're gonna be using your webs a lot. So before you go off fighting crime, get the web swinging down." May explained, pacing back and forth.

"But the most important thing of all," May continued, pausing as she looked at us, "No matter how many times you two get hit, can you get back up?"

"Hey, I'm pretty much a pro at clocking my uncles punching bag. Will that cover it?" Miles interrupted with a boastful look. "C'mon, we've gotta get going. Thank you for everything, May." I said, pulling the mask of my Spider-Man costume down as I pulled Miles out of the basement. "Anytime. And, Paisley?" She responded, causing the two of them to pause in the doorway, "Please be careful. I don't wanna lose you too."

I smiled gently at her, letting go of Miles' arm. "Relax, that big grape isn't gonna know what hit 'em." I grinned, before my great aunt May closed the door, leaving Miles and I on the sidewalk.
"Hey, watch." He said, breaking the silence as he aimed his hands at a streetlight across the road, pulling in his middle and ring finger. A web shot out intensely, latching onto the lamp and causing him to be yanked forward. I couldn't help but laugh at this, earning an annoyed look from Miles.
"Oh, and you can do any better?" He huffed, regaining his balance and brushing off his baggy suit. "That a bet?" I smirked, tossing down my backpack and shooting a web at the lamp, but the web simply flew right past it with no results. "Remind me," Miles snickered, walking over, "How much was on that bet again? 'Cause I think you owe me."

My laughing abruptly ended once I spotted a flash of purple streak past a few buildings in the distance. I latched onto Miles' arm, my heartbeat beginning to race. "I saw him! Get ready to web swing." I snapped, letting go and pelting forward along the sidewalk, keeping my eyes trained on the buildings where I saw him last. "What're you thinking?! We're not ready to take him yet!" Miles yelled after me, as I shot a web onto the closest building I saw.

"This could be our only chance, Miles!" I yelled back, gripping onto the rope of web as it slowly pulled me off the ground, and I found myself swinging through the fairly-crowded street. I wasn't going to let him get away. He took Peter away from me. He took away my dad. Peter was dead, and didn't give the slightest care that I wasn't ready. I simply assumed that the anger built up inside of me would take over, but that's where I was wrong. Oh, so wrong.

Miles and I managed to web swing ourselves onto a high building, pausing to catch out breath. "Paisley, I get you're mad and stuff, but we're too inexperienced for this!" Miles snapped, pulling up his mask to take in deep breaths. I ignored him, continuing to search from the top of the building. "There." I spat loudly, pulling Miles over to where I was and pointing down at a black car parked near an alleyway. Beside the rolled down window stood the motionless Prowler, like he was talking to whoever was in the car. Weird. "Woah, you actually found the guy." Miles gawked in surprise, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You in or out on this?" I said, turning to look up at him sternly. My eyebrows knitted together under the mask, and relief slightly soaked through me as Miles yanked down his own mask, as if to say, 'I'm in.'
We watched as the black car sped out of sight, and the Prowler turned around and shifted his way into the grubby alley between two tall buildings.
Miles and I managed to webswing our way to the ground, peeking into the alley from behind one of the buildings. "Okay, we've got him trapped." I whispered, watching as the Prowler spoke lowly into a devise installed on his mask. "What's the plan, exactly?" Miles asked shakily, looming over me so he could get a good look into the alleyway as well. He was so strangely close to me, I swear I could hear his heart pounding.

"Kill him. Or, at least manage to turn him in." I shrugged in response, not taking my eyes off of that vibrant purple cloak of his. "That's not a plan, that's a goal." Miles remarked with a scoff, but I wasn't listening anymore, I had already stepped into view. Anger was rising in me so much that it had taken over my mind, and I was at the point where I seriously thought I could take him.

"Hey, grape boy." I hissed, causing the Prowler to whip around instantly, the glowing eyes on his mask narrowing at the sight of two kids dressed in Spider-Man outfits standing angrily in his path. "Get lost, kids." His low, gravelly tone rang out menacingly through his voice modulator.
Totally ignoring him, I continued on. "I'm the one and only Spider-Girl. And this, is the new Spider-Man. It was you who killed the last one, wasn't it?" I pressed on, balling my hands into angry fists.

"I said get lost, kids. Before things get ugly." The Prowler retorted threateningly, the eyes on his mask narrowing even more. I looked towards Miles for reassurance, but he was gone. Did he bail on me? Huh?
"Hey! .." I slightly whispered, looking around as the Prowler's glare seemed to shift into shock. "I'm still here! Woah, this is crazy, I can turn invisible?!" Miles burst out. But before I had time to reply, it happened. It was faster than the blink of an eye, and it took me a good moment to process it. The Prowler had shot forward and thrown Miles and I against the side of the dumpster near the back of the alley, causing both of us to grunt painfully. Little did I know that he was in touch with the guy that May had mentioned, Kingpin, and he instructed the Prowler that his next targets would be the new Spider people.

Gosh, I screwed up. You're an idiot, Paisley.

I am so sorry for any spelling errors.

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