My Poem Number One

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From a young age moving place to place,

new area, people, adventure to face,

Always moving to diffrent schools,

my mind was one big wind pool,

my grandad died i was a mess,

acting like i didnt care less,

after time my heart began to heal,

my mind still spinning like a wheel,

i began to dance it was fun,

but after a while my dancing was finished and done,

one day i met someone love at first sight,

thats when i thought i met mr right,

with time he broke my heart,

how it felt where did i start,

he made me do things i didnt want to do,

on my own i made it through,

moving on trying to deal with it,

it was hard i will admit,

i did it alone noone beside me,

If only people could see,

My friends found out after a while,

that the cure on my face was a fake smile,

My teacher found out so did my mum,

i hated what he had done,

slowly i carried on each day,

some times yes i lost my way,

in year 8 i changed,

the ickle girl i knew had gone insiane,

i moved schools i had to,

leaving my friends what did i do,

i got poplar at my new school,

that wasnt good or cool,

being known by people isnt great,

not even when you have loads of mates,

i then made the same mistake,

the bigest mistake i will ever make,

I met someone who was kind,

inside he was mean out of his mind,

he asked me to sleep with his friend,

i wanted to be a true friend so i took this bend,

i told myself it will be one time,

in total one turned to eight a stupid crime,

when i realised it was to late,

this boy wasnt no where near my mate,

he used me he knew what to do,

the young girl who he saw straght through,

i told him no he didnt listen still,

he made me sleep with him against my will,

i wasnt strong enough,

i didnt know what to do it was tough,

i tryied again to forget it,

buut t was there in my mind it would sit,

i knew i couldnt live life,

so i self harmed with that stanley knife,

i then decided i wouldnt eat,

then an overdose but still my heart would beat,

i would jump of a bridge a new plan,

i wanted to do it i know i can,

one word stopped it all,

from that bridge fall,

admited to hospital my secrete out,

i still wanted to die without a dowt,

before i knew it i was admited to a menatl health unit,

i was told i would only be there for abit,

the hope unit is where i stayied,

was this my life what was made,

time passed i was still unsafe,

thats when i was moved to a different place,

the horizon unit long term,

until i was safe enough postive attuide to learn,

my childhood was taken away,

but you ask im okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2012 ⏰

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