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(A/n: small author note-so this is just a re-minder)

EnglishJapanese'Thoughts'"Speaking"*sounds/what your doing*°writing on paper°⏭time skip⏭«other people»

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*sounds/what your doing*
°writing on paper°
⏭time skip⏭
«other people»

(Info-)(First name- mariella)(Last name- salvador)(Nick name- mk)(Uses -mk- as there first name most of the time because it's shorter)(Age-20)Also your teachers only new 5moon and star moves so you made your own moves for both

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(First name- mariella)
(Last name- salvador)
(Nick name- mk)
(Uses -mk- as there first name most of the time because it's shorter)
Also your teachers only new 5moon and star moves so you made your own moves for both. You can also teach people how to use your breathing techniques
Moon breathing forms
1-bloody moon
•bloody moon is when
The user does multiple
Stabs to the body that
There body will

2-moon dance
•moon dance is when the user dances smoothly and swiftly while attacking the target without the target noticing its being attacked.

3-blue moon
•blue moon is when the users
Katana turns into a bright blue
Glowing sword but the users
Attacks get faster each second.
This is basically a buff attack.

4-healing moon
•healing moon is when the user
Can heal anything or any one
It can heal minor injuries or big ones
That other people can't heal
Once you use this, this will
Heal them automatically.

5-shadow moon
•shadow moon is when the user
Can use shadows from any one or anything
They can also use the shadows for killing there targets
They can use this by tangling them so that they can't move
They can also use this without the sword

•eclipse when the user uses this
Move it will paralyze the
Target in the eyes so there for they can not see

7-moon shield
•moon shield is
When the user can make a shield
At any reach
The shield with glow with a blue color it will also have a calming aroma or aura a round it

8-moon tears
•moon tears is when the sword will start to
Leak blue clear water from the tip
And once one drop of the blue crystal water drops to the floor it will make the the whole area around you and the targets area look like this
(What it looks like)

8-moon tears•moon tears is when the sword will start toLeak blue clear water from the tipAnd once one drop of the blue crystal water drops to the floor it will make the the whole area around you and the targets area look like this(What it looks like)

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Once the target touches the water with there feet or with any parts of there body there body will turn it a small bloody puddle.

9-icy moon
•icy moon is when the user makes the whole flooring around the target and the user.
But only the user can walk around freely but the target will have a hard time moving so this will make it easier for the user to kill there target .

10-deep blue moon sea
•deep blue moon sea is were the user can drown the target in a deep blue moon sea but the user has to cut the head off before they put the target fully in the blue sea.

(Added in)
11- levitating moon
•Levitating moon is when the user can float up high while still in the sky the user can float back down a few inches but still in air or just go up higher or stay where they are they can go side to side as well, the user can also use this to lift items or people or the user it self, and the user dose not have to user there katana to do this they can use it in any way the user wants to, this will also look like she is floating in the sky or either flying like a bird.

(Added in)
12-moon death
•moon death is where the user can turn there targets into ash.

Star breathing forms
1-star dance
•star dance is when the user dances swiftly while a trace of stars follow you whole you dance
This is also when you poison the target with your dances

2-star storm
•star storm is when the user makes a big or small storm out of big and little stars.

3-star gaze
•star Gaze is when the user create's a dark sky filled with stars to distract the target once the target looks up the user can slice the head off.

4-flashing star
•flashing star is
When the user uses a type of poison that will make the target to stay still while they are 'poisoned' you can use two breathing forms to make a combo
Attack on the target

5-star floor
•star floor is when you make a star floor (duh)
Once the target touches the floor the will start to turn into ash

6-star clone
•star clone is when the user makes clones of others or them selfs out of stars to trick there targets

7-star pace
•star pace when the user cannot keep up with there target they can use this attack to keep up with them

8-star memories
•star memories is when the you slice the targets
head off it will show them there from there past and it will also be a painless death to the target

9-star follow
•star follow when you lose the target you can use 'star follow' so that it will lead you towards your target with a trace of star it will even point up or down but if the target is under ground it will lead a trace under ground even if it gose left or right it still will make a star trace.

(Added in)
10-galaxys of stars
•galaxys of stars is when the user will look like they are going to do a regular ordinary slash to the neck but the user is actually has been cutting there target
Into small squares of the size of a bee.

(Added in)
11-star line
• star line is where the user cuts a straight line that will show stars following it as it goes towards the users targets but the star line is really fast and all you will see is a yellow line but because its faster than an ordinary attack it will hit the targets without any problem, thats unless the targets are more powerful enough to doge the attack.

(Added in)
12-world star
•world star is when the user will preform multiple or one slash in the air, and the slash's of stars will follow the users targets and cut them one time or multiple times.

Re-minder on what you look like

———————————————————————————Re-minder on what you look like

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(Yes i did draw it)

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