Chapter 22

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"W-What?!" I yelled.

"Awww, your getting flustered!"
"W-What is that for?" I ask, knowing well what it was for. But why was she giving this to me?
"Ok I lied, it's not for you." She said.
"Oh.." What a relief it's not for me.
"It's for Katsuki" She whispered.
"Shhh! He might hear."
"Oh right..sorry"

"I would give it to him myself but, he wouldn't take it, that's why I need you!"

"You know how he never listens? You can use this on him!" She says handing it to me.

"What should I do?" I ask. I really can't give this to Kaachan! He'll blow me into pieces!
"I need you to give this to him for me! But you have to tell him you bought it"
"W-What?! M-Mitsuki..he might kill me!"
"Idiot, I won't let him lay a finger on you okay!" She smiled.
"Um..but what if.." I went silent.

This will be embarrassing! My face turned red and I felt really hot.

"Aww, your so cute! Anyways take this! I need to shower." She gave me what she bought and headed to the room with her bag.

Crap I can't go in Kaachan's room with these things. Just imaging Kaachan with a collar and me holding the leather leash. Ahhhh what am I thinking! I need to hide these somewhere!

"Hey Deku!" Crap..
"Y-Yes Kaachan?" I smile nervously, hiding my hands behind my back to hide the collar and leash.
"Huh? Hey what do you have in your hands?!" He walked towards me.
"Nothing! Um..uh.."
"Let me see." He grabs my shoulders.
"Wait!" I yell.
"What?! It can't be that bad." He grabs my arms and pulls.
"Ok fine!" I yell giving up. I place my hands at my sides and he stares at them.

"What is that?!" He yells snatching it out my hand.
"W-Well..I" I need to come up with a lie! Mitsuki told me I can't tell Kaachan she bought them.
"I ordered them? A-And Mitsuki bought them here for m-me.." I looked down at the floor.
"Why would you order something like this? Shitty nerd, what is this for?"
"'s nothing important! Let's go to your room now!" I tried walking past him but he grabbed my arm.

"Bastard what is this for huh?!" He yelled.
"I'll tell you later Kaachan!" I said grabbing his arm with my other hand to stop his tight grip.
"You always keep things away from me." He let go and walked to his room, slamming the door.
"Hah.." I'm such an idiot. I need to go apologize! I put the collar under the couch and walk into Kaachan's room, closing the door.

"Kaachan?" He was laying down, hiding under the blanket. I climb onto the bed and sit down next to him.
"I'm sorry Kaachan..I know I always lie to you..but.." I go silent as I rub his body over the blanket. I felt his back and started rubbing it back n forth.
"I'm sorry okay?" I say again lifting the blanket up slowly.

"I'm..sorry t-too" I hear him say..but his voice wasn't how he normally spoke, it cracked and sounded like he was crying.
"Huh? Why're you sorry? You didn't do anything Kaachan." I laid down and spooned him.

I felt tears fall down. My heart ache.
"I always hurt you" I mumbled. I felt the same feeling in my heart as I said it.
"'s okay! I know you don't mean to." I felt him hug me from behind. I couldn't help but smile, but the smile instantly faded.
"It's not okay." I say.
I sniff and feel my forehead heat up. Tears still falling down.

"It's fine Kaachan, don't cry. Y-Your making me cry." 
"I'm not crying" I reply wiping my tears. I turn around to face him.
"Your eyes are red" He says leaning and and kissing my lips.
"I love you"
I lean and kiss him back. I blush.
"I'll tell you what the collar and leash is for okay Kaachan?"
"You don't have to idiot."
"It's fine, your mom gave it to me, to give it to you"
"What? Why would she give me that shit?"
"She was probably joking but I've seen on the internet people use it as a kink."
"The fuck is that?"

"I hate you" (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now