~Chapter 1 - Sight of Love~

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Karl's POV

It was time for highschool and I barely just woke up...

I got up from bed and went straight to the bathroom and looked at myself to see that my brown hair was really messy.

I fixed and brushed my hair and got my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. I finished and walked out of the bathroom and changed my clothes. I went to my kitchen and made myself a sandwich and ate half of it and I looked at my phone and saw that it was time for school!

I finished my sandwich and got my backpack and rushed to school by running. I finally made it to the entrance of the building and saw the tall gates slowly closing so I rushed inside but when I was about to head to my classroom... I tripped and hit my face... It was really embarrassing because I knew there was some student heading towards class and into the hall way I went through...I thought that I didn't get hurt so I slowly got up but then I got pushed back into the ground and I heard laughing... I looked up and saw that a tall guy that appeared to be one of the jocks walked towards me and leaned down to give me a hand... I-I was surprised to see one of the jocks help me up... I got up and smiled slightly and my head turned to the side to see the jocks walking passed me and laughing... I looked back at the boy and he had a huge smile...? "Hey are you okay?" He said with a slight grin on his face, I responded back by nodding my head. "Not much of a talker?" He said with a grin becoming a slight smile, I looked deeply into his green eyes and I didn't respond because I was daydreaming. He looked backed and chuckled with a smile and said "Earth to Karl?-" I instantly responded "Oh uh yes?" I said looking down to my feet with my arm "I never got your name..." He said with a slight smile, I responded and said "My name is Karl and you must be uhm... Nick?" He looked at me in surprise and smiled "You remember me heh!" I looked at him with an annoyed expression "Of course I remember you, you're always with the rest of the football team..." He looked at me with a nervous expression "Right...Well I'll see you after class.." He seemed to not have liked what I said and I felt bad of course but he waved at me and I waved back and headed straight to class...

Sapnap's POV

Damn... I wish we talked more but it's time for class but meh-

We're gonna hangout after class and just chill.... I mean the rest were making fun of him and just pushed him into the ground... WAIT- I just realized his nose was bleeding uh- and I didn't even tell him uhh he will be fine I think... I just can't believe I ran into Karl on the ground... I mean it was funny but I couldn't just leave him on the ground so I had to help him...

I'm just gonna skip class since i have football practice at this time so I'm probably just gonna go with the rest of the team-

I walked towards the field where I saw my teammates and some of my friends practicing and they looked at me and waved "Hey Nick!" they smiled with a big grin, and I responded "Sup guys!" I smiled back and walked towards them and placed my stuff down and started practicing with the rest. A few hours passed and I was tired and was about to drop until I saw Karl pass by...My face lit up and I got up and got my stuff and walked towards Karl's table and sat down with him... He looked at me with a slight smile and said "What are you doing here Nick? Aren't you supposed to sit with the rest of your team?" He seemed curious so I responded with a grin "Meh, there are a bunch of knuckleheads..." Karl had a surprised face and smiled "Well, I can't deny that-" I looked at him with a smile and I chuckled. "So...Karl uh wanna hangout at my place?" Karl choked on his food and looked at me "Oh Uh sure heh!" I wasn't really expecting him to be that excited-

"What time?" He said with a cheerful smile, I looked away and looked back and said "Uh what time are you available?" He thought for a second then he looked at me and responded "At 5:00 o'clock.." I smiled and nodded and we continued eating.

(After school)

Karl's POV

I was walking out of the school and I saw the couple a.k.a my best friends George and Clay! I ran towards them and I said with a cheerful smile "Hey guys!" They looked at me and George responded with a smile "Hello Karl!" I was excited to see them and I instantly said without thinking "So how was the date yesterday..? I smirked and they both blushed but George was really red- "It was great actually heh..." Clay responded with a slight smile and he looked confident... I smiled at him and said "That's great to hear! Well, I have to go to Nick's house." They looked at me in shock and George said "Nick's? You mean the boy from the football team!?-" Dream interrupted and said "Yeah, I know him but didn't you say you hate the football team?" He said with a confused expression but I responded "Well...Yeah but Nick is not like the others..." Clay and George smirked and they said "Goodluck with your date!" They walked off leaving me all red and I was blushing! I-I... I don't like him like that! He is just a friend...right?... Oh what am I thinking i'm definitely in love with Nick, and we just met!? Ugh... I hate this...

(To be continued)

~High School Sweethearts~   Karl x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now