|How We Met|

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A TikTok Story


You're at the Burrow and you hear someone playing music.  You walk upstairs to see a door open and a noise coming from inside it.  You walk to the door frame and lean your shoulder on it. You see a ginger boy, shirtless with grey sweats on and dripping with sweat, his hair wet.  You feel the tension in the room when the boy looks at you.  His haste eyes meeting yours, he smirks and starts playing his electric guitar (Why'd You Only Call Me When Your High?-Arctic Monkeys).  You lean off the door frame and walk towards the only bed in the room.  You sit down and through his strands of hair you see him smirking and continues to play his guitar.  You hear him scoff, you look quickly away as he lifts his head, 'So, what do you need..?'

'Oh, Y\N. That's my name.' You fill in the pause of his sentence.

'Y\N, Alright. So you're staying with us for the summer, yes?' He said lifting the guitar off his legs. 

'Erm, yes..Just until my parents decide to come out of their huff with me..I won't be a problem though, I'm Ron's friend, I'm staying with him in his room.' You blurt out while fidgeting with your thumbs. 

'Ah, right. I've heard a little about you.' The boy winks at you and stands up from the wooden chair he's sitting in.  He walks towards the door, 'MUM! IS DINNER READY!?' He shouts  out the door.  'ALMOST!! JUST ANOTHER MINUTE!' Molly replies.  'IM HUNGR-' Ron starts to shout as he walks past the room you're in.  He stops in his tracks and stutters 'Y-Y\N?'

'Yes, Ron?' You say with a smile.  Ron shakes his head as if to get rid of a blur

'What are you doing in George's room?' Ron said stepping into the room.

'So that's the mystery boys name ay?' You say looking at the tall boy standing in front of you.

'Calm down Ronnie boy!' George said sniggering at Ron's annoyance.  Ron, in a sudden motion grabs your wrist and pulls you out of George's' room.  You hear a laugh come from behind you, you turn your head to see George grabbing his neck and throwing his head back while he looks out the window.

'DINNER!!' Molly shouts, saving you a row from Ron. He quickly lets go of your wrist and runs downstairs.  You soon follow and sit alone.  You're at the end of the table with an empty seat next to you because Ron refused to sit next to you.  George comes down the stairs running his hands through his hair, 'Put a shirt on boy! We have a guest, George!' Molly shouts towards his direction. 

'I'm fine mum!' George shouts back to her as he walks back with a plate.  He looks you in the eyes and walks towards you, sitting in the chair next to you.  'Can you stop playing That bloody guitar here, George!' Arthur said as he looks George dead in the eyes and then continues to fill his plate.  

'Yeah yeah...Y\N seemed to like it didn't you Y\N?' George turns to you with a smirk and raised his eyebrow.

'I-  Uh -Yeah...' You say awkwardly as you jab him in the gut softly under the table.  Ron slams his hands on the table before getting up from next to George. He gives you a terrifying stare as he runs up the stairs to his room.  The door slamming behind him..The room went silent, you could hear a pin drop...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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