( 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦'𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑎 𝑑𝑖𝑒 )

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"somebody gotta die if I go, you got to gosomebody got to dielet the gunshots blowsomebody got to die nobody got to know that I killed yo ass in the mist bitch"

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"somebody gotta die
if I go, you got to go
somebody got to die
let the gunshots blow
somebody got to die
nobody got to know that I killed yo ass
in the mist bitch".

"roman what are you doing here?! how did you get into my house?!" paul exclaimed.

"you got some nerve paul.... some real fucking nerve" roman growled.

"what is your problem what the hell is going on?" paul wondered.

roman immediately rushed over to paul and grabbed him by his shirt, slamming him onto the wall. paul looked terrified as roman was fuming right in front of him. he had a feeling that something was about to happen to him, and it was making him shit himself.

as roman was holding onto paul, he looked over at his computer and saw something that intrigued him. not only did it intrigue him, but it also pissed him off. he happened to see an email that paul was writing regarding a "strip club in buffalo with victor marshall".

roman threw paul down on the ground and went over to the computer to fully read the email. he also checked through the other tabs and saw other websites, emails, and documents referring to this "strip club in buffalo". roman also went through paul's drawers in the desk and saw the folder with the blueprints that him and victor shared, the blueprints to the club.

"this is private information roman you have no right going through my things!" paul exclaimed as he got up, but roman back handed him in the face to get him off.

"you really working with this bitch huh?" roman said. paul remained silent.

"after everything i've told you about him, after I told you he's my enemy... AFTER HE GOT HIS GOONS TO SHOOT UP YOUR FUCKING CLUB?!".

"that day that we met I specifically asked you if you were working with any other lord and you told me no. not only did you lie to me but you're also working with the worse fucking person you could've EVER worked with.... what do you have to say about that paul?! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY?!" roman exclaimed.

paul still remained silent and it only drove roman more mad. he wasn't getting any answers out of him and he didn't get it! this wasn't a dealer or a lord that couldn't snitch and that WASN'T a snitch. this was a business man with a running company, a family, and a life and here he was being difficult and not giving out answers.

okay then, if paul doesn't wanna speak, roman will just have to MAKE HIM speak...

paul was in a chair in the middle of his office tied up as roman was pacing back and forth with a gun in his hand.

𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔬𝔬𝔨 𝔬𝔣 𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 - 𝔯. 𝔯𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔫𝔰Where stories live. Discover now