Chapter 11: Absolute

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Zelda began to slowly stir, wincing in pain as she shifted her weight. Despite her stab wound being completely magically healed, her chest was still tender, and her head was buzzing with a headache. Memories from the night before came flooding back to Zelda, and she wanted badly to talk to Mary about everything she knew.

Mary; Zelda's eyelids fluttered open in hopes of seeing her, but instead, landed on an empty side of the bed. She sighed and slowly rolled over onto her back, looking up at the ceiling to gather her thoughts. The magic Mary had performed was astronomical, and Zelda had no idea how strong her magic abilities actually were. She was so grateful that Mary was there to save her, but how did she know where to find her? and how did she know Zelda was in trouble? There were so many questions she had that she wanted answers for, and hoped that Mary would give her the closure she was seeking.

A slight shuffling from outside of the room pulled Zelda's attention toward the door frame, where she was, Mary; holding two steaming cups of coffee. Zelda smiled at the woman and slowly sat up in bed, resting the upper half of her body on the headboard; it was as if she read her mind. Mary sauntered into the room and stood beside Zelda for a moment, quickly looking her over.

"Good afternoon, sleepy head" Mary spoke softly, as she handed Zelda a cup of coffee; which the ginger witch accepted gratefully.

Zelda furrowed her brow and looked at Mary in disbelief, she never slept past 6am in her life.  "Afternoon?" She croaked, her voice weak.

Mary nodded her head as she sat on the edge of the bed beside Zelda. "Its nearly 2.." Mary said before taking a sip of coffee. 

Zelda's eyes widened in utter shock.  She had slept 13 hours, and quite regrettably, felt like she could sleep another 8. However, she felt more alive than she did last night. But, she dreaded looking at herself in a mirror; she just knew her reflection would be beastly.

"How do I look?" Zelda asked, slowly running her fingers through her matted hair. Mary grinned and stared at Zelda for a few moments before answering.

"Considering you just look fabulous" She said with a small grin. Zelda chuffed and took a sip of her coffee, the hot liquid curing her dry throat; coffee had never tasted better.

"Mary..." Zelda started, but was cut off by the raise of Mary's hand.

"Save your strength, I will tell you everything" She said, looking up to Zelda.  She owed Zelda the full truth, the woman had practically died for her and though it may risk their friendship, Mary couldn't keep lying to her. 

"I was sent here by Lucifer, as you know, to get Sabrina to sign the book of the beasts. Sabrina is more powerful than we know, and is destined for a great purpose..." Mary started, keeping her eyes glued to the floor.

"Lucifer wants to suppress her power, and the only way he can do this is by having her name in his book." Mary finally looked up at Zelda with pleading eyes and scooted closer to her. Mary clasped Zelda's free hand within hers and swallowed harshly before continuing.

"If I don't get her name in the book, he will kill Sabrina-and then me" She whispered, her eyes glazing over. Zelda closed her eyes and sighed heavily, not wanting to speak.

"After we spent that night together, you really started to grow on me-I have never had a friend before...I suppose Lucifer sensed my change of heart and sent Mazikeen to-"

Zelda squeezed Mary's hand and re-opened her eyes, she didn't want to relive last nights events.

"There is a prophecy, that states another closely related Morningstar will be the destroyer of Lucifer. He believes it to be Sabrina, and he is growing anxious." Mary continued.

"I am not strong enough to protect Sabrina-or-or you, Zelda. I need help" a phrase Lilith never envisioned herself saying, but it was true. She was sick and tired of living in fear and being stepped all over by Lucifer; Zelda deserves revenge, Sabrina deserves to live, and quite frankly Lilith wants to rule hell.

"If we work together-we have a good chance at defeating the spineless, supine, jellies, of men, that abuse us-and force us to suppress our power" Mary preached, referring not only to Lucifer but Father Blackwood as well. 

She could sense she hit a nerve with Zelda; Mary knew of everything that he had done to her, and watched as her eyes clouded with hate at the mention of his name.  If Mary and Zelda be-rid of the corrupt leader, Zelda could assume her place as High Priestess. With the help of the Spellman family and the whole coven at the academy, the strength of everyone's combined power could unequivocally defeat Lucifer; once and for all.

"I will do it." Zelda whispered, staring Mary in the eyes.  "I will do whatever it takes"

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