Whats Finally Said Part: I

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I hear a faint knock on my door. "Armin gets up you're gonna get late." I turn my body towards the door, then set myself up rubbing sleep from in my eyes. "I'm up I'm up." I say getting up my voice a little raspy. Today is the day I get to hang out with Eren. I feel myself get a little excited inside. I head to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day. After I head downstairs. "Morning Grandpa." I say walking towards the pantry about to grab myself a quaker chewy bar. "You seem energetic today." I smile at him.

"Who's the lucky someone." My Grandpa says, I jolt. "Or were just not gonna tell me." He counties taking a sip of his coffee at the dinner table. I slowly turn my head towards him feeling myself get red. "Ahh no, it's not like that were just friends." I say shaking my head no and my hands, gesturing that he was 'wrong'. He gives me a suspicious look then nods. I sigh a little. "Oh yeah is it okay if I hang out with some friends after school today?" Sure just don't say out too late." I nod. After my 'breakfast'( if you call having a quaker chewy bar breakfast ) I put my shoes on and head out the door ( after saying bye to my grandfather of course ).

As I'm walking I start to think. Wonder where we're going, hope it's not a place too loud maybe an aquarium. As I continue walking, I put my headphones in and continue my walk to school. Once I open the school door a wave of noise rushes through me. "Are you going to the festival tonight?" A kid asks. "I might, are finally going to ask her." The other kid says nudging the other one. Once I arrive I hear my name being called from afar. "Hey Armin!" Jean says waving and walking towards me. "Are you excited?" I turn to him in confusion. "For." I say holding onto the r's for an extra 3 seconds. "You know the festival tonight" There's a festival tonight?" I say lowly to myself. Maybe I can ask Eren to see if he's going, maybe we can even go together. I think to myself getting red. "Hey, Armin you there." Jean says bringing me back to reality waving his hand in my face.

"Oh yeah sorry." Hmm, you okay you seem kinda red did you catch a summer cold." Jean saying leaning in putting his forehead onto mine. "I mean you seem fine going based on your forehead." Yeah, I should get going." I say not wanting to be late for my first-period class. "Y-yeah I should get going too." Jean says stuttering a little. I nod and head to my first-period class. As I get closer I see Eren and Mikasa walking in. Eren turns his head slightly towards me, I wave at him he then gives me a little wave and heads inside.

Inside the classroom, people were talking about who they were going to take to the festival. Ignoring the conversations I head to my desk. I see Eren, but he seems kinda out of it like he was thinking or something bothered him. "Hey Eren." I say getting his attention. He turns to me and smiles. "Hey." An awkward silence lays in between us. "So I heard there's a festival tonight." Yeah, there is." The silence continues." Thinking about going?" I ask him now sitting down at my desk, turning towards him. "Yeah." Uhn." I reply as we continue to look at each other. Here's your chance Armin. "Hey I was-" Okay class settle down I know today is the night of the festival, and you guys are excited, and so am I but we need to get some things done." Hange says cutting me off. The class then settles down and with that class starts.

After class Eren and I walk to our next-period class together like we always do, but only an awkward silence was plastid between us again. After a while, Eren broke it. "Thinking about taking anybody? " Huh?" I say jolting at his question a bit feeling myself get red, turning my head towards him. "To the festival that is." Eren says looking forward. "Oh uhh... I don't know yet." That's great." He replies still looking forward. "Well if you don't have anybody you could always come with me and Mikasa, I'm pretty sure that was the plan from the start anyway." He says now looking at me. I continue to feel myself get red. "If that's okay with you guys." I say looking down trying to avoid his gaze. "Of course, it is." He says shoving me a little looking at me in reassurance. "Is it okay if I have your number then...to when to arrive and stuff?" I say saying the last part kinda fast and nervously, with my hands shaking a little handing my phone to him. "Sure." Eren says smiling showing me his front teeth.

I blush.

While waiting for Eren to put his number in I feel my heartbeat out of my chest going 90 miles per hour. After he's done he hands me my phone back. "Thanks." No problem." It goes silent with us looking at each other as if we were the only two in the halls with the silence of us staring into each other's eyes. After a moment later Eren clears his throat. "Well, we better hurry to class." Yeah, we better hurry." I reply putting my phone back in my pocket blushing a little, as we continue to walk to our next-period class with comfortable silence between us.

With nothing much happening in English and the rest of my classes, it was finally time for lunch. As I'm walking towards the library, I hear my name get called from afar. "Armin!" The voice yells I turn my head to see Eren running towards me. My heart skips a beat as he comes closer, I stop walking and wait for him to catch up. "I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together, you know like old times." I get red. "Sure if it is okay with you." Well I mean I asked right." He says smiling. I smile and nod and we walk to the library. Once we sit down, we take out our lunches and start eating. "So have you ever been to a festival?" Eren ask me after he's done chewing. I shake my head no. He drops his jaw and widens eyes. "Dang Armin, you're missing out then, guess this is your first time then."

I nod. "Guess since you're basically a virgin at going to festivals, guess I'll just have to show you a good time then." I blush at his statement. "Whatever." I say rolling my eyes smiling. He laughs a little. Even though loud places aren't my thing, I guess the festival shouldn't be too bad...right I mean it's been a while since Eren and I have even been around each other.I think to myself taking another bite of my sandwich. After the laughing and talking I did with Eren, him making terrible jokes and him going on and on about how awesome festivals and the festival is going to be. The bell rang indicating that lunch was over before we knew it.

As we walk out of the library we continue to talk until we had to part ways. "See you later Armin." Eren says walking in the opposite direction. "See ya." I reply waving a little. I can hear my heartbeat out of my chest. Ugh, he's too much for me I think my heart gonna explode. I turn back to look at him far in the distance. I smile and turn back around and head to my next-period class.

[ time skip to end of the school day ]

As I'm walking to my locker. I hear footsteps approaching. I turn to see Jean walking up. "Armin are you going to the festival?" Didn't you already ask me that earlier today?" I say chuckling a bit. "Well, I was just making sure." I turn my head towards him while closing my locker. "Well, I'm planning to go with Eren and Mikasa" Jean then smiles. "Great guess I'll see you there." I nod. He then starts walking away waving bye, waving back and head in the other direction, walking out of the building.

Once I enter my home with the scent of vanilla filling up my nose I say hi to my grandpa and head upstairs, putting my bag by my nightstand. I hear a ping sound coming from my phone in my back pocket. I look to see who it's from.

Eren: Hey Armin it's Eren obviously how are you are doing? you're probably fine maybe doing some homework knowing you are glad that I finally have your number after trillions of years just wanted to tell you we would be meeting at the front of the festivals at 8:30 and can't wait to see you there!

Once I see his message I hear my heart skip a beat not even a second later I reply.

                         Armin: I'm doing fine and I can't wait to see you there as well :)

After replying I turn off my phone lay on my bed with the silence surrounding me, thoughts of Eren and the festival fill up my mind. After a while, I got up and got ready. Wearing a nice sweater and black jeans and some low tops I head downstairs. "Hey Grandpa I'm going to the festival to hang out with some friends." Okay, have fun just don't come back too late." I smile and nod and head out. As I'm walking I feel myself get excited, not knowing what surprises are waiting for me on the other side.

Hey its been a while and I'm just going to be straight up with you guys sadly this book is coming to an end and I just want to say like I always say/type thank you for reading and getting this far and hope you have a wonderful morning/noon/night/evening/day and I'll see you when I see you around and thanks for 460 reads and yeah see you when I see you :)))

~ I ship NaruSasu :))

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