13)Sunghoon's Birthday Is Coming!

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And Now Sunghoon Is Beside Me..

"Sorry Guys We Ordered first for all of us"Dad Said

"Thats Okay HyunBin"Auntie Said

"Yeah since jin hyung and sunoo's intestine wants to eat now"taehyung oppa said

"Yah!"sunoo oppa said in annoyance

"How Could You Tell That On Us You Idiot"Jin Oppa Said

"Guys Enough We Are With The Park Family"Xiumin Oppa Said

"Yeah You Can Just Fight At Home"Suho Oppa Said

"Yah!Hyung Dont You Dare Convience Them To Fight You Know They Broke All The Vases Last Time"Chen Oppa Said

"And I cant sleep of their noises"Yoongi Oppa Said

"Aish Hyung You Always Sleep"Jungkook Oppa Said And Yoongi Oppa Shoot A Glare On Him And Our Ordered Came And We Start Eating

"I heard Sunghoon's Birthday Is Coming!"Namjoon Oppa Said

"Yeah Yeah His Birthday Is Coming"Chanyeol Oppa Said

"And We planned of having a mafia party on his birthday"Uncle Said

"Woah that will be a huge party again uncle like last time on jimin's birthday"Hoseok Oppa Said

"Oww no no no not too much people we inviting with"jimjn oppa said

"Waeyo??"kai oppa said

"Well just like really important mafia families and mafia groups we will inviting we dont to happened like last time"Jay Oppa Said

"You mean On Rosé's Party When To Mafia Groups Had A Fight"Seungmin Oppa Said

"Neee Thats Right"Rosé Eonnie Said

"Well We planned of mafia party on sunghoon's birthday on my beach resort"Sehun Oppa Said

"And Just Kim Family And Park Family And The Rest Of The Group Will Be There For like 3 days so we can enjoy sunghoon's birthday"Baekhyun Oppa Said

"But we still have to be ready incase of someone will broke the party"D.O Oppa Said And We All Nodded And We Finish Our Foods

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