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War. A battle between good and evil. We fight so much to the point where humane and inhumane disappears into a thin line. It saves some people—yet destroys others greatly. This is a story about me, from being one of the most murderous creatures in the universe to being lifeless on the streets where I once had beautiful memories. Also a story of becoming the hero the hard way(or a villain depends on who's telling the story).


I've always loved the ocean as a child, the coldness of the dark, ocean water fading into deep crimson red

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I've always loved the ocean as a child, the coldness of the dark, ocean water fading into deep crimson red. The tiny, bitter particles sinking onto your skin as you watch large bubbles of air fight for its life while they stare at those quite literally— glowing, forest green eyes in fear. What it feels like when the burning sensation of death fills their lungs with each salty breath. Feeling the surge of energy running from your veins while innocence begs for its life as if you have a sliver of mercy inside of your heart—but that belief soon fades away as you feel life grip itself onto your cold bumpy wrist, later on letting itself go. Only to hear echoed but soon muffled chanting in the background slipping into pure nothingness. But nobody is truly innocent...right?


"How inaccurate, I don't have green eyes." I mumble to myself snapping an old history book from my overpriced shelf sighing as the dust collects itself on my worn-too-many-times white dress. I groan tiredly plopping my head onto the fluffy pillow staring up at the dull, white popcorn ceiling. "Nia, come down here please!" A raspy yet assertive voice yells out almost muted due to the distance of each other. Holding the mythology book to my chest I swing my feet over the bed walking down the stairs as the wood creeks. We're apparently too rich to pay for better stairs? I think to myself with a scoff festering up one of the fakest smiles in Royal history, "Yes miss Evans?" I say politely feeling my cheeks ache in pain in seconds. The Egyptian woman sighs pinching her nose in stress, "Why don't you look a bit presentable? In any way." The woman glanced up and down at my button up dress causing me to hold the book even tighter. "The ball gowns are quite uncomfortable." I try to justify only to get a slap across my cheek, now stinging. "Clothes determine your worth my child." The birth giver coos sweetly rubbing the cheek she reddened for the now 21st time, yes I count. "It's truly no worry Ma'am." A boy defends thoughtfully(who I now knew as who I'd be engaged to) with worry in his eyes receiving glares from both my mother and who I assumed his father to be. "She clearly has no sense in modesty nor is fit for any man in that matter," A deep voice snaps leading on "—although since this marriage would be a large advantage for both of us it would be ideal to continue." I try my hardest not to roll my eyes at his words so all I can do is clench my jaw and hope for the best. "Now bathe and change Nia!" My mother also snaps glancing out to the pond. I nod quickly then run up the stairs pressing my back against the heavy wooden, slammed door letting my tears drip to the floor while my legs buckle down as if mimicking the fall of tears.

I breathe in the cold air feeling the wind blow through my curls. "I didn't mean to intrude but I saw a few breathtaking drawings laid upon your bed." I hear the British say sitting on the grass and propping his elbow against one knee. Quickly turning around to face him not yet undressed, I turn my head to the side slowly walking up to him. "Why did you defend me back there?" I ask in an accusing tone crossing my arms and untying a white tan bow holding back my bangs as I shake out my curls. "They treated you quite unfairly...it was only a dress." He replies glancing up at the dark haired, now smiling Nia watching her turn back around unbuttoning her dress with difficulty. "Isn't this a bit..improper?" The boy asks with hesitation. "Do you really think I care about propperness at this point? If you're uncomfortable turn away, I apologize." I say with my tone turning soft stopping at the last button waiting for a reply. "It's alright. Nia is it?" The blonde asks twirling a strand of grass as I let my dress fall to the floor, "My friends call me Zaphire, your name is?" I clear my throat sliding off my undergarments walking over to the pond. "It's Niklaus, my friends call me Nik." He smiles leaning his head against the large tree his back's against. "I shall call you Klaus. Nik is a bit boring." I smirk turning to glance at him then back at the stary sky, slowly dunking my head under the dark water.  Feeling the sudden urge to destroy a golden pendent around my neck my mother gave me for my—well since birth. It then breaks automatically out of thin air. All that's running through my mind is I'm free.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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