Chapter 1

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Neon's POV
I pretend that everything's okay. I hide my depression behind a stoic facade.

But I'm not even sure if it's a facade or not anymore.

I was having a dream that night, and it wasn't a good one at all.

I remember I was standing on a light brown rope. A tightrope. There was a cliff behind me. In front of me was another cliff with my friends Kira, Yuki, and Kori standing on it. They were at the end of the tightrope and saying encouraging words to me, trying to get me to reach them.

Below me was a white mist. This mist curled around the rope and the cliffs behind and in front of me, making it hard for me to see what was in front of me and formed a thin veil on the rope.

"You can do it, Neon!" Said Kira.

"Come on! You're almost here!" Said Yuki.

"You'll be safe with us!" Said Kori.

Just when my right shoe stepped on the cliff, I lost my balance when it came to my left shoe.

I started to sway back and forth, gently at first, but then more violent as I desperately tried to keep my balance.

Just when all hope was lost and it seemed like I was going to fall, someone's hand grabbed mine. I could see it was Kori.

"Don't worry, Neon! I got you!" He said. He was smiling, but I could tell he was scared to lose me.

When he pulled me onto the cliff, my friends and everything around me quickly disappeared, leaving me in a void of darkness.

Everything was completely pitch black.

That was until two large, light blue eyes appeared at what looked like the top of the void.

"They can't help you, Neon." The darkness said.

"That doesn't mean they can't try!" I said as I looked up into those light blue eyes, glaring at them as they seemingly glared back at me.

"That determination of yours is cute, but you will never break free of this."

I immediately woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, just trying to calm down.

When I looked at my door, I was able to make out a shadow in the hallway. The shadow was standing still out there and staring at me.

But then I noticed it started walking into the room.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the dark, I could see that it wasn't just a shadow, but my foster sister Kira Fujimoto.

She's a girl who has hazel eyes and short blue hair. She's also pretty muscular, too.

"What's wrong? I woke up to pee." She asked as she stood at my bedside and stared at me.

"Oh, it's nothing, Kira."

"Right....because bolting awake from a dream means it wasn't scary." Kira said sarcastically as she crossed her arms.

"Kira, I'm fine. I swear." I said.

Kira just crossed her arms even tighter around her chest and sat on my bed.

"You're not leaving until I tell you about my dream, aren't you?" I asked.


I sighed. I guess I didn't have a choice. I looked her right in those hazel eyes of hers so she would know I was serious.

"So there was a tightrope between two cliffs. The cliff behind me was bare, but the cliff in front of me had you, Kori, and Yuki on it."

"So did you make it to the other side?"

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