"I love you," she said. Her voice replays constantly in my mind, in the moment I believed nothing was real. And like I've been told before love can just be an exaggeration of interest in a person and I believed it.
As I walk home counting each pace trying to rid my mind from the thoughts that engulf it I realise I can't ignore it anymore. The picture of her soft skin, emerald eyes and illuminating hair is something that I will never let go of.
I think fast to where she may be, the park where she heads to read quietly and listen to dogs bark at others around them or the ocean where we meet for the first time. I can still remember her wet hair stringing down her back, hands wrinkled from her early morning surf. She really is beautiful. I quickly snapped out of my train of thoughts as I saw her standing upon the end of the pier. Our eyes connect briefly as a smile creeps on her face she looks back towards the water. I ran as fast as humanly possible to get to her in time but I was too late all I heard was her words echoing in my head "I love you".
Now I know she really did.