Chapter 7

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~Your POV~

As I got myself ready Naon was watching me and her sister slept next to spooky, "Where you going?" She asked playing with my keys.

"The market to get you apples" I responded kissing her head putting on my black face mask. I put the last knife into my leg strap as I tightened the bow around my body and zipped up my Quiver ((A quiver is a container for holding arrows, bolts, darts, or javelins)). I wrapped my hands in tape again as I grabbed my keys from Naon, "can you be a big girl and watch the house? Be good okay? And ill bring you Kinder joy, a WHOLE box of it" I smiled kneeling to her height as her face lit up and she gave a small nod. I kissed her head again and went to kiss Na gyeoms head as I looked at spooky "watch" I commanded as spooky just laid next to her. I whistled for jax as he stood up and followed me downstairs, "ill give it 30 min for me to come back, 1 hour or more ill give you 100 bucks" I said making a bet with (b/f/n) and (o/f/n). They both looked at each other smiling mischievously as they nodded and agreed.

"ready?" Jeff asked with EJ waiting outside, i looked at my friends as they waved goodbye.

"(y/n) be careful, the people hunting us also have dangerous weapons" Slender warned as I was tying my hair up. I nodded in response and followed Jeff and EJ out the door with Jax.

~30 min later~

I followed Jeff with EJ and Jax behind me, Jax making sure no one was following us; Jeff then came to a halt as I stood next to him. "That's the mansion" He pointed out as EJ separated from us to check the surroundings. We waited for his 'okay' signal, but it felt as if it was forever. While we were waiting for EJ I put a tracker on Jax and quietly sent him out to sniff out anything odd. "what are you doing?"

"Hes taking forever" I said taking my bow off me and grabbing an arrow from its case. I walked right up to the front of the mansion door but stopped myself from opening it as I heard voices inside. I turned to Jeff signaling him that there were people inside and he nodded running to the side of the house. I stood by the door holding my bow when a hand crept up my shoulder as I quickly grabbed it and twisted it pushing the figure up against the wall with a knife to their neck.

"its me its me" EJ whispered tapping out and I released him but noticed the voices in the mansion stopped. I quickly grabbed EJs hand running around the corner as soon as the front door flung open. I peeked my head around the corner seeing 3 men walk out with weapons. It was the perfect timing since a deer had emerged out the woods.

"Its just a deer man lets go back in" one of the guys said. I watched as all 3 men walked back in and then turned around noticing my position with EJ. He stood in front of me with his arm next to my head for support from pinning me against the wall.

"you're too close" I said with a serious face as he quickly turned his head and slowly pulled away.

"hmm so what's this over here?" Jeffs voice interrupted as we both turned our heads to him.

"3 guys inside probably more" I notified jeff as he nodded.

"EJ a word" Jeff hissed as EJ groaned silently and walked up to him. I looked around when I saw a window open just a bit for me to get in on the 2nd floor. As EJ and Jeff were talking I found a way to climb up and quietly slipped into the window. I looked at my watch seeing how 25 min has passed and I remembered my bet I made with my friends.

"got to make this quick" I whispered holding my bow-n-arrow. I looked at my surrounding seeing how this whole room was filled with games and green accessories noticing it was Bens room with big words on the wall saying 'BEN'. I noticed 2 katanas and was about to look around more until I heard voices getting near, judging on the voices there were probably 2 people heading my way. I waited till they were close enough and grabbed the nearest guy into the room punching him right in the throat as I ducked his punch and I quickly took my knife out jabbing him in his neck so he would not make any noises. The second guy was in another room while I was fighting the first one and I dashed into the room he was in closing the door quietly as he quickly turned trying to kick me, but I grabbed his leg elbowing his thigh hearing a crack noise. He let a loud groan out and I knew he probably notified the others someone was in the house. I dropped his leg as he was grabbing it in pain, stabbing him in his head as a result of instantly killing him. I looked at the doorknob rattling, and I ran in the closet seeing 4 men rush in. Before they could call the others, I quickly loaded 4 arrows on my bow and aimed it through the small opening of the closet door releasing the arrows while it pierced them in the head. "fatality" I whispered in the deepest voice I could do and walked out the closet. I retrieved my 4 arrows because that would have been a waste and put them back in my case. Just as I was about to head down the steps, I remembered the katanas in bens room and quietly went to grab them. "hope he doesn't mind" I said to myself and went to head down.

When I crept to the bottom of the steps, I saw 2 men sitting, 1 by a computer and the other cleaning his weapons. I took one of my arrows out that had a switch on it, turning the switch to drug I aimed it at the guy by the computer and shot him in the shoulder knocking him out, but it notified the other 3 guys. He quickly saw me and threw a knife at me as I moved my head to the side, but it sliced my ear a bit. When I turned my attention towards him, he ran right at me, quickly ducking my knife as i tried to swing at him. He was able to tackle me to the ground while continually punching my leg disabling me from getting up.

Wincing in pain from the punches i gathered enough energy to slice his pants revealing his underwear and a red slice mark from my knife "nice underwear" I grunted after seeing the words 'Mickey mouse'. I gently kicked my other foot against the wall activating a small knife in my shoe to come out and wrapped it around to his back, stabbing him in the spine. While he screamed in pain, he was about to grab me again when Jax ran through the small dog door and jumped on him trying to bite his face as the guy was trying to claw his way out. When he stopped moving Jax came to my side and assisted me up as I winced in pain from my right leg the guy almost broke. Limping, I went to open the door only to see Jeff and EJ fighting. "guys" I yelled as they both looked up seeing me.

"(Y/n)? You okay?" Jeff stood up from the ground as EJ saw my leg and ran to my side to help me walk to the couch.

"thanks for the help guys" I sarcastically said as EJ sat me down on the couch. Jax then walked over to the guy I shot with a drug and dragged him over to me, "grab him, hes coming with us" I sighed taking the arrow out of his shoulder while Jeff ran upstairs.

"YO (Y/N) YOU DID ALL THIS?!" Jeff yelled from upstairs while EJ went to check and see for himself. I looked around seeing a bag of papers scattered everywhere and boxs of weapons in the living room.

"jax come" I called as I pointed to the bags. He dragged the bags to me as I attached it to his collar. "they don't seem heavy right?" I asked kissing his head. I pet his head when I heard EJ and Jeff run down the stairs with a couple of their belongings. "got everything?" I asked as they nodded. EJ went to tie the knocked-out guy on the floor as jeff walked up to me and offered for me to go on his back. "im not getting on your back"

"what? think youll be heavy for me princess?" Jeff smirked but persisted that he carries me. Irritated, i climbed on his back as he stood and held me while holding the bags. "pretty light, right EJ?" he confidentially stated as EJ headed out first. "Dont worry about him, hes jealous of my strength"

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