Chapter 1: Very Entertaining

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There's a special place for all demons in the world, and that place was Hell. A half deer demon woman named Isabella, was walking down towards the Happy Hotel. She had watched and heard of the interview that Charlie had, and sadly the interview didn't go as planned.

Ever since Angel Dust's behavior has gotten worse during the interview, Vaggie along with Charlie and Angel Dust arrived back at the Happy Hotel. They saw Isabella had returned as well, she sadly looked at Charlie who frowned as well. Ever since Isabella had been sent to Hell, she had not really many friends or family. The only friends she considered family were Charlie, Angel Dust and Vaggie. Ever since meeting them, they consider her to be a part of the family as well.

"I guess the interview was a bust." Isabella said.

"Yeah, it was unfortunate but it did." Charlie sighs a reply. As Isabella walked inside the Happy Hotel, she looked at Vaggie and Angel Dust, they were both quiet.

"Where were you Izzy?" Vaggie asked her friend.

"I was out for a doctor's appointment, why?" Isabella replied while questioning Vaggie.

"Oh that's right, I thought your appointment was tomorrow." Vaggie said.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, so my appointment was today." Isabella replied. "I saw on TV that the interview didn't go well."

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to Angel Dust." Vaggie grumbled.

"Look, it's no one's fault here." Isabella tried to explain, but Angel Dust and Vaggie weren't in the mood to talk about what Angel Dust did. So Isabella dropped it, as she looked at Charlie who leaned back towards the doors. "I sure hope we can get some customers someday, I don't know when that'll happen."

"I don't know either Izzy, I sure hope something changes soon." Charlie replied, then there was a knock at the hotel room doors. Charlie opened the door and stood in front of her, was none other than the radio demon. As soon as Charlie saw him, she slammed the door in front of him as he was trying to say hello.

"Hey Vaggie, the radio demon is at the door." Charlie called out to her friend, Vaggie's eyes were wide as saucers. "What should I do?" Charlie asked, unsure of what to do

"Well, don't let him in!" Vaggie exclaimed. But with that said, Charlie opened the door.

"May I speak now?" The radio demon asked.

"You may." Charlie replied.

"Alastor, pleasure to meet you sweetheart, quite a pleasure!" Alastor said as he walked in the hotel. "Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist. What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929, hahaha... So many orphans." Alastor was suddenly stopped by Vaggie, she had a weapon in her arms. She was suspicious about Alastor.

"Stop right there, Cabrón hijo de perra! I know your game! And I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone! You pompous, cheesy talk show shitlord!" Vaggie threatened.

"Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here." Alastor began, with his voice being distorted for a moment. "I would've done so already." After Alastor's radio voice went back to normal, he smiled. "Now, I'm here because I want to help."

"Say what now?" Charlie asked.

"Help, isn't this thing on?" Alastor tapped on his microphone staff. "Testing testing." As soon as the microphone responded, Charlie kinda got the hint on what Alastor was saying.

"You want to help, with..." But before Charlie could finish, Alastor appeared from behind her and Vaggie.

"This hotel, I want to help you run it." Alastor replied. "To cheer, absolute boredom. I've lacked inspiration for decades, and my work became untamed. Lacking focus, I have come to create a new form of entertainment. Ah ha ha!" Alastor cackled.

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