Author's Notes

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Dear Readers,

English is not my native language, so pls excuse my grammar.

This is Awesamdad A.U.
- Starts with a misunderstanding, but it will be happy in the end.
- Tommy misunderstood Phil's and Techno's conversation
- Tommy LOVES Allium and keep carrying them anywhere he goes.
- Tommy a bit harsh on Ranboo because he taught that Tubbo canonically replaced him.
- Dream in the prison, but still trying to manipulate the minors.
- Tommy weak mentally, strong physically.

3.Contain swearing, death, misunderstanding

Tommy POV is actually based on me, the Author POV... I'm really have a rough time, so I decided to make it as a story. Awesamdude is basicly my comfort streamer, same as Ranboo and Tubbo. Tommy in this story is basicly weak mentally, and he strong physically.

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