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So Before I start, I have something to share with you. It's a dream I had and it's this dream that made me to write this book.

We all have certain dreams growing up, some are mere dreams due to us watching some kind of movies like horror etc. But some are revelations it feels so real when you're having them.
Anyways..mine was strange, it all started when a man was going from house to house killing innocent matter your age u must die, and no one had a say in this, it was like he was obliged to kill..strange isnt it. So I was at home on my bed and he knocked, he came in and shot every one, I pleaded but he had to shoot anyway, he pulled the trigger but before I was about to die, i asked God for forgiveness of my sins, and he shot me..I felt my soul leaving my body and I entered into a different was just like earth, buildings everywhere, strange paths, no pain, and other souls wondering about.

What I saw was a line of souls leading to the supreme being, where he judged us..I was a bit scared but I knew I had repented before my death..I saw some friends I knew and I became calm, let's join in I asked a friend. It reached my turn and I was told to place my hands on a glowing bar, where my sins would be reveled so I will be judged accordingly...I did so and there was noting to show the screen was blank, I was clean and God told me I have been judged I can now go and live my life, I was happy and free..I could go anywhere and do anything I wanted.. I asked myself, the bible explained how judgement day would be like, very horrifying they say, but I never knew it be like this..

I went back to my house, not as a being but as a spirit, I saw my mother and asked her if she could see me, she said yes I do;
I asked if she had been judged to, not knowing she didn't die, she was saved by the doctors, yet I could feel her presence and she could also feel mine. All judged souls who were good had the chance to relive a life with their loved once...
It was more like the physical world and the spiritual became one....

[ Then I woke up ]...

Do you have a story like mine, you might, but we all have different perceptions on death.... let's begin.

                                                            Iamking.jeorg  ☆

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