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How do you say you hate life without actually saying it? Because that's exactly how you feel right now. Everything is on repeat and it just won't stop.

"You, get me my usual snacks" the school princess gave you a smack on the head.

Keep it in, keep it in. You kept telling yourself. Fighting back won't do you any good, you know that. People in here are rich enough to buy you and your family, and for someone who can't afford a decent dinner, that will not be a good idea.

"Sure, where's the money?" you asked, giving her your palm.

She smacked you again, "This bitch! Use your money!" she shouted, laughing with her friends beside her.

You rolled your eyes, remembering the few dollars left on your pocket.

"I don't have money left" you reasoned out.

She poked your forehead repeatedly while giving you a mocking smile, "Do... something— about it"

You smirked, "Just say you don't have money Tara, I can lend you some"

She looked embarrassed for a few seconds because everyone in the classroom eyed her. You just know a few stuff about her since you saw her a few times outside your workplace while she was being scolded by his father.

You leaned closer to her ear, "Why? Your daddy confiscated your cards again?" you whispered, chuckling a little.

You gave her a look and went straight out, "I said no fights today" you told yourself while looking at your almost empty wallet.

20 dollars, how many days could you last with only these. You started computing the amount of money you'll need to spare for your other necessities.

"That was cool" a kid suddenly spoke behind your back.

"Cool?" you repeated, confused on what he was talking about.

"Wait... you look familiar" you whispered, eyeing the guy chewing a gum in front of you.

"You must've forgot? I'm a year younger than you, that's pretty acceptable" he said, chuckling.

"You're a year younger yet you're speaking informally?" you unbelievably said.

He giggled, "Feisty."

"I'm Park Jisung, nice to meet you" he streched his arms.

Park what?

Park Jisung?


Oh fucking no.


ik it doesnt look like them, but i got bored and i got some extra time to spare soooo

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ik it doesnt look like them, but i got bored and i got some extra time to spare soooo

welcome to the second book! <3333

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