Giving Thanks And A Bunch Of Attitude.

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This Day Has Been... Well.. Horrible.

My grandmother woke me up early in the morning. My shower was cold, as was my mother. My stupid little brother threw up on me when I got out of the shower, forcing me to take an even colder shower.

My mom over stirred the food and my grandmother blamed me. Grandpa dropped a glass plate, grandmother blamed me. She spilled water, she blamed me.

I don't know, but I guess everything was just my fault. I tried calling my dad but he just told me that everything was going to get better and to stick through until dinner. I sighed and hung up on him, mid-sentence.

Tyler came early, which, thank god for it. I immediately dragged him to my room and complained. I talked until a knock on my door stopped me. I opened the door and my mom stood outside the room.

"Your grandmother wanted me to tell you to prepare for dinner. You have 30 minutes." She nodded and walked away.

I frowned and closed the door. "Are you ready for the worst night of your life?" He smiled and stood from the bed.

"Any night with you, will never be a bad night." He kissed me on my forehead before opening the door and leading me out.
Dinner started off quiet. But with my luck, it didn't stay that way.

"So, Tyler. What college are you planning to attend?" My grandmother eyed Tyler while he eyed his plate.

"I haven't really thought about it..." He stuffed a piece of food into his mouth.

"Well haven't you thought about it? Surely you have, I mean its senior year, summers almost here, the school year is almost over. If you're going to date my grand--"

"Grandmother, please." She looked at me and shrugged before she took a sip out of her wine glass.

"I'm just saying..." She smiled and my mother rolled her eyes.

"I suppose you have something to say too?" I directed my attention to my mother.

She looked surprised that I addressed her but quickly masked it with seriousness. "Technically, your grandmother is right. If your going to grow up successful like me --"

"Ooooohhh Nooo. You can stop right there. If I were anything like you, I would have already left my family!" I dropped my fork and looked at my mother who not subject to hiding her surprise this time.

"How dare you speak to me like that. I am still your mother young lady." I stood up from the table.

"I have no mother. I would just like to express that. My mother died the moment she left my father for another man. And I wouldn't want to be anything like her. I wouldn't want to hate my daughter and abandoned her. I wouldn't go off and be happy with someone else, another family and not even call once to check up on my daughter, so you know what, I'm happy I'm not like her. Because I wouldn't want to be a horrible bitch!" I saw a bit of hurt flash in her eyes, I didn't care. "Happy thanksgiving." I walked out of the dining hall and outside.

I called my dad and when he didn't answer I texted him. "Push came to shove, and right now I want to push them all into a lake."

I heard the door opened and Tyler placed his hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" I shook my head and sat down on the porch step and put my head in my hands.

"All the anger, everything from all those years. It came out at once. I didn't mean for it to. I was so ready to say more, but I was afraid I was going to cry so I just left." I let a stray tear fall from my eyes. " Did you see how she held on to him. She's never... Ever... Shown me that much love. She can't even look me in my eyes without looking like she wants to puke. I'm her biggest mistake. I'm the fall before her rise." And suddenly, I was crying. Not just one tear but a lot.

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