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Christian Banks, a 34 year old, well educated, handsome black men can't seem to remove his attention off of one very special lady, Mrs. Noelle Jackson. With them both being teacher at Lincoln High School, they can't seem to distance their selves away from each other. Of course the physical and mental attraction is there but the main problem is that after their heated love making session that take place in a locked classroom after school, Noelle then returns home to her beloved husband and two children. Christian struggles to minimize his attraction for Noelle but its something about her that can't keep him away. Even the fact that he could be the cause of breaking up a happy home.

22 year old Trevor Smith, an upcoming rapper going by the name of Trev, is now out in the world on his on, making music and ready to explore all of his options. With the recent passing of his two parents, the only person he can seem to rely on is his best friend. They have always been close since they were in diapers, but now Trevor finds himself confiding in someone else, his best friends mother, Nicole Davis. Growing up with this woman, who is like a second mother to him, he has seen her broken down by the men that she has brought into her life and now Trevor has vowed to be the one to treat her like the queen she is. Their relationship becames very intimate but it becomes harder and harder to keep it a secret. Trevor is terrified of what his best friends reaction will be but he can't seem to keep himself away.

Anthony Davis or also known as the ladies men around town. With him being only 21, 6'5" with smooth chocolate brown skin and tattoos taking there place onto his body, he becomes the guy that everyone wants. He could have seriously any girl he wants but only one he seems to have his eyes locked on is 16 year old Marie Robinson. Everything about her has him wanting more each and everyday but with there huge age difference, its slowly bringing them apart. He will do any and everything to be able to call Marie his girl even though he knows its wrong to be with a high school girl when he is a grown men himself, but Anthony strongly believes that age is just a number.

Temptation is when you know somethings wrong but you crave it so so much. Its like being on a diet but that snickers bar is calling your name. You know its bad for you but you can't seem to stay away. Everyone has their temptations and some people go for them while others stay as far away as possible. But the harder you fall into temptation, the more chaos you get.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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