Chapter 13

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Kim's P.O.V.

    "Ok so what are the reasons why you want to have more in the relationship with Adam." Hailey and I were getting our nails done, after meeting up for coffee, and are then going to go to mine and Jay's place to watch a movie and break out the wine.
    "I don't know...I mean I love being around him outside of work, but there are times at work where he just goes too far." It was weird talking to Hailey like this, I mean this should've happened sooner with us being the only girls, but the only person I've really talked to like this was Nicole.
    "I get that, trust me I do, but do you feel like that is something you two could possibly work at." That was the real deal breaker. Adam and I couldn't do it.
    "I think we could, but it can be so hard to talk to him about work sometimes. I don't get how you and Jay work so well while working together and being together." Why does everything think that our relationship is perfect? We have bumps along the way.
    "It's not perfect, but I think for us it's really all about communication. We were friends before we went to Vegas, and that didn't change when we drunkenly got married. We also took it slow; we didn't act like a married couple right away. It's why we didn't tell people immediately; we just wanted to figure out how we could work together before bringing in everyone." It was a lot of hard work, and we had to get through some awkwardness, but I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.
    "I want that; I just don't know if I can have that with Adam."
    "You can Hails, but you two need to learn how to communicate with each other."

Jay's P.O.V.

    I hated when Kim had off, and I didn't. I missed her: as sappy as that sounds. Though I was glad that she and Hailey were spending time together. Fortunately and unfortunately the one thing that I've learned from living with Kim is the importance of girl power; Kim and Zoe had a habit of ganging up on me at times. Even with having Rogue didn't help because he loved Zoe. Oh god, Hailey and Kim better not start teaming up on me. I actually wished we had a case today so then I wouldn't be thinking about how they could plot my demise. I had just gone to the break room while Rogue was with Kevin, who had taken him with him when he went to go check in on his siblings.
    "Hey man can I talk to you?" I should've known something was up when Adam walked in and closed the door.
    "Sure, what's up?" I had a feeling that I knew what this was about.
    "Say hypothetically that I was with someone on a friends with benefits sort of relationship, and she might want more. What would you do?" I guess Hailey didn't tell him that she told Kim, or that I knew. Well I might as well not cause anymore problems between them.
    "Well hypothetically speaking what do you want?" I was probably having a similar conversation with Adam that Kim was having with Hailey. When did we become the relationship experts?
    "I don't know, man, I like spending time with her at times, and then there are times where we are always arguing." Uggh...Adam...that didn't answer my question.
    "Alright, the arguing can be fixed with just communicating better so focus on the good. Based on that would you want to further the relationship?" When did I become a relationship counselor? I'm a cop. Luckily, I think that I was finally getting through to Adam so I might be able to return to my actual job soon.
    "Yeah of course."
    "Then you just need to talk to each other." I left the break room to go back to my desk; hoping that by doing so Adam wouldn't change his mind.
"Halstead! Get down here!" Antonio, Adam, and I all perk up. Trudy's never called any of us down there like that. Most of the time she was pissed, but this time she was concerned. When we got down the stairs we realized why. There was this guy in front of her desk just yelling.
"I want to see her! She works here!" Who the hell is she, and why the hell did Platt call just me down. I look at Trudy trying to ask.
"He came in here asking about Kim." What...ok who the hell is this guy, and what the hell does he want with Kim.
"She's my daughter! I have a right to see her!" Oh I'm gonna kick his ass.
"Just like you had the right to push her down the stairs." He looked over at me in shock, probably because I knew that, as did everyone because Kim hadn't told any of them.
"And what gives you the right to accuse me of such a thing. I want to see my daughter." Like hell. Adam, Antonio, Voight, and whatever patrol cop jumps in won't be able to keep me from beating his ass. After everything he did to Kim, and then demanding to see her.
"You are not going to be seeing her, and if I have any choice of the matter you will never see her again; not after the fuck you put her through." I think by now everyone sort of caught onto the fact that this guy wasn't any good: especially for Kim. Kim's father was just getting more pissed off. I seriously didn't think he realized that he was a room filled with cops who adored Kim. I think if this goes on any longer Trudy might pull her gun out at him. I'll probably not be that far behind her.
"What right do you have to say something like that. She is my daughter."
"And I'm her husband. And unlike you I'm going to do my absolute best to protect her from pain, even if that means her own father." As soon as I said husband his eyes darkened, and he started getting closer by now most people had their hands on their guns.
"There is no way. I never gave you my blessing. That bitch can't be married." Then he got closer to me, right up in my face, and then came the right hook. He got one good swing on me before I kicked his legs out from underneath him, and had him pinned to the floor. I had his hands pinned to his back for a good couple of seconds before Antonio took over, and cuffed him, placing him under arrest for assault of a police officer. Voight helped me up, and I could tell he was concerned.
"Do you want to press charges?" If it was any other person, yes, but this was Kim's father and even if he's a bastard I should talk to her first.
"I should talk to Kim about it first." He just nodded almost like he knew that's how I was going to answer.
"Go home, Halstead, and talk to Burgess. We'll keep him overnight." Great now I probably had to ruin Kim's relaxing girl's day with this.

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