Chapter 5

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"Stiles!" Faith watches as Peter rips the door open, breaking the lock in one smooth movement.
"Peter, Chris." Stiles starts sobbing as he runs to his mates to hug and kiss them.
"How are you feeling? Are you hurt? What happened to you?"
"I'm okay. I just really want to leave."
"Of course, of course sweetheart."

Faith watches it with a smile at seeing them so happy.
One of the officers move closer to her, moving slowly to help her up. Flinching away, Faith snaps at the officer to not touch her. This causes Stiles and his mates to look at her.
"Oh, please don't touch her. Don't." Stiles moves closer and squats down next to her.
"Hey, it is okay. No one is going to touch you. How are you feeling? Did something change?"
"I'll be fine."
"Stiles, who's she?"
"Faith, she has been here for way longer than I was. She... we built a friendship here, we helped each other out the best way we could."
"Is there a place we can drop you off?" one of the officers asks.
"No, I... It has been five years. I'm..."
"She can come with us?" Peter suggests. Chris nods.
"Are you okay with coming with us?"
Faith looks at the three before silently nodding.
"Come on, I'll help you up in a second."
He turns to Peter and asks for his jacket. Confused Peter gives it to his mate, who puts it on and keeps the too long sleeves over his hands as he lifts Faith from the ground on wobbly feet.
Faith starts protesting, saying that Stiles shouldn't lift her up.

"I could take over? You seem to not like touching. I could cover my hands with gloves we have in the car?" Chris offers. Stiles nods before Faith can even think of reacting. Chris moves up the stairs to get the gloves.
"Put me down Stiles, you've been hurt enough. You can't hold me that long without hurting yourself."
Grumbling, Stiles complies and gently puts her back on the ground, helping her sit down against the wall. Sweat starts collecting on her forehead, as they wait for Chris to get back.
"I'm..." Her eyes roll back for a moment. Her breathing stutters.
"Shit, Faith, hey Faith, look at me. Hey, stay awake."

Chris arrives back, overlooking the scene before asking, "was she drugged?"
"Yeah, we don't know with what. She has been fighting the effects to keep me out of the abductors their hands since they moved me from my cell into hers."
Both Chris and Peter look at each other in silent communication before they both nod.
"What is she?"
"It is not my secret to tell." Stiles form is tense as Christ carefully lifts Faith from the ground. The unconscious girl growls softly before she goes completely limp.

All the people in the basement follow Chris upstairs. They are quick to get outside house.
Chris carefully lays her down on the backseat.
Peter walks back from talking to officers.
"They want us to stay here. Tomorrow they want Stiles' and the girl's statement. Afterwards we are allowed to leave and go back home."
Chris nods, but it is Stiles who answers, "good, because I want to leave this place far behind. And I think Faith wants that too."
"We are staying in a hotel for now. It is a good thing we took a room with 4 beds."

Stiles smiles softly before climbing in the backseat with Faith, carefully placing her head on his lap. Once again very careful not to touch her skin.

"We have a blanket in the trunk, you want one?"
Stiles nods and waits for Peter to bring the blanket to him.
He surprises his mates when he carefully puts it around Faith and makes sure she is tucked like a burrito so she has an extra cover, and extra safety to not be touched.
"Let's get to the hotel." Chris presses a soft kiss to Peter's lips before they both climb in the car too. Chris starts the car and drives off.
Three and a half hours later they leave the dense woods.
"Faith was right, we were in the middle of a forest."
"I told you. I only saw trees the time I tried to escape." Comes the soft answer.
"You're awake! How're you feeling?"
"Like the withdrawals after having used drugs for years. I think this is what it feels like." Stiles feels her shiver, sees her forehead shine with sweat. "You're running a fever."
"I'll be fine. I'll warn when I feel the need to vomit come up."
The ride takes 2 more hours, in which Faith started to shiver a lot, before Chris stops the car. Him and Peter get out. Peter is the one that puts on the gloves now before carefully taking Faith out of the car, blanket still around her as an extra layer.
Stiles follows close behind Peter, holding Chris close to him. In the elevator, Peter maneuvers himself that no one could accidently touch Faith.

A ping indicates the arrival to their floor. Chris walks in front now, still holding Stiles close. He takes out the keys and opens the door. Carefully Peter walks in and lays her down on the plushy couch.
Stiles kneels down next to the couch and carefully touches her forehead. The response is interesting to Peter to say the least. The heavy scent of Stiles' arousal enters the room, while Faith jerks away from him with haunted eyes.
"Sorry, I wanted to check your temperature. I wasn't thinking. Are you okay?"
There is a slight tremble to Stiles hands. Peter looks at Chris, who nods in confirmation that he has seen it too.
"Faith, darling, could you explain what just happened?" Peter carefully asks. Stiles freezes, as Faith whimpers as she buries herself more in the blanker burrito.
"Please no, it won't happen again. I'm so sorry." Through the blanket, they see that she is shaking in fear. The scent hits Peter too.
"We won't hurt you sweetheart, we just want to understand so we won't do anything wrong. It's easier to remember when there is a reason to it."

Faith stays silent for a long while, Chris looks at Peter. Both having the same idea, Faith isn't going to tell them. Stiles seems to know, because he is reassuring the girl.
They see a shift in Stiles, his focus isn't on Chris and Peter like they thought, instead he is worried about the girl. They both know Stiles is going to crash as soon as morning falls.

"I'm a succubus." Faith her voice is silent, yet filled with so much fear.
"That explains the problem with touching." Peter says. He kneels down next to Stiles, wrapping his mate in his arms as Peter convinces Faith to look at him.
Chris moves closer too, placing a supporting hand on both his mates.
"Faith, dear, it's okay. We understand and we will be extra careful now."
The girl looks through an opening in the blanket to see the calm and accepting faces of the two men she barely knows.
Stiles smiles encouraging at her, his eyes less bright than they were before.

"Stiles, please go and sleep. I'm fine. I'll survive. You're exhausted, and you deserve a night of comfortable sleep. You're safe again."

Stiles wants to protest, but one look at his mates make him swallow his words.
"Yeah sure. You sleep too Faith. It might help with the after effects."
Stiles gets up and takes Chris' hand before moving to what he assumes is the bedroom his mates sleep in and therefor, he sleeps in.
Peter stays behind with Faith.
"I want you to know that we will never take advantage of you, as I can assume what happened to you the last five years. You can stay with us in Beacon Hills, we'll keep you safe."
"Thank you."
"Of course. Now, go and sleep. I'll keep an ear out for you. If you want to sleep in a bed, it is that room."
"Thank you." Peter nods, refraining himself for touching her shoulder in a reassuring way.

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