Isabella's Inheritance

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"Emma from Gracefield?" A sister looked up from a bag she was holding. The energetic orange haired female looked over from where she was talking to Norman and Ray. 

"Here! Is something wrong?" Emma ran over to her as Norman and Ray just watched her go before their eyes shifted to the sister curiously. 

They had just gotten into the human world - thankfully they never did need to go to The Seven Walls, and they were all still getting comfortable here. Isabella had ended up dying for her kids and her funeral was a very grave one. All the Gracefield children and the Sisters and Mothers were all there. Ray had recognized some of the Sisters from when he was younger and they happened to be his older siblings. the funeral was a silent one except for when someone said a speech and the occasional sobs that could be heard from time to time. As far as everyone knew, Ray never cried as his relationship with Mama was a strange one. Everyone assumed there was no love lost as there were none to begin with. But the truth was, Ray was the one affected the most. Sure after he turned six and revealed what he knew, she stopped caring about him but he knew why. She was just scared of getting attached like he was. They were two peas in a pod - two people just trying to survive the harsh world. They didn't want to form bonds only to watch the person they formed bonds with walk to their deaths with a smile on their face believing a lie until the end. He was devastated when she left him before being able to amend their bond. But he couldn't show it in front of his younger siblings. He was the oldest, the one they looked up to. He was stoic and cold faced so it he cried, it would probably set an alarm. He couldn't afford to show weakness. So he only did that in secret. Ray snapped out of it as Emma came back with a bag. 

"Mama's belongings. She left a bag for me and one for all of us."

Everyone crowded around her as Ray felt his heart plummeting. Of course. Of course there was nothing for him. He should have expected it. 

"Ray from Gracefield?" One of the Sisters called out to him. Ray  headed over and immediately recognized her instantly. Alicia - one of the few siblings he had ever trusted. She had wanted to be a Mama herself. As he opened his mouth to say 'yes, he was,' she dropped a bag next to him. 

"This is for you. From Mama."

"Thanks Alicia."

The woman was startled, shock clearly showing on her face. However, it was quickly replaced with a smile.  

"So you do remember me." 

"How could I forget? You were one of the few I actually trusted."

"You were such a cute baby along with Emma and Norman. You three were practically inseparable. And you were so clingy when I left. And I could hear your cries echoing through the door as I left. It was as if you knew what would happen to me." Her eyes went a little glossy at that. Ray looked away. She paid him no heed as her smile turned softer and sadder.

"I became a Sister."

Ray nodded.

"Who's your child?"

Tears filled her eyes.

"I don't know." She whispered. "Ray, I was going to become a Mama."

"I know. You were always good at taking care of kids."

"I would have shipped so many kids... But Ray, how did you know about me being a mother?"

Ray smiled.

"That's a story for another time. I should probably get going now. It was nice to see you again."

"Good bye Ray. May our paths meet again."

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