Chapter 1

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This is my First Fan Fic. please tell me if you want me to continue. Thank You!! xoxo 

It was just a normal school day, going to my six classes and with recess and lunch in between. It was lunch time and as usual I sit with my friends and sometimes have my laptop and my homework with me to go to the library afterwards. There we five boys in the school and my friends and I didn’t know, the boys were asking everyone in the school “Have you seen Stephanie La’Scarla”. Some girls new where I was but others pretend where I was, only to get the boy’s attention. One Girl showed and pointed to where I was. Then the five boys where behind me, Ellie, who was sitting in front of me, started screaming but quickly kept quiet, and we were wondering what was wrong until a member of the British/ Irish Boy band One Direction said “Is any of you Stephanie La’Scarla” I knew who said it and I figured it out it was Louis Tomlinson. I turned around slowly and saw Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn and Niall all standing behind me smiling at me, I got up and replied “I am Stephanie La’Scarla”  

Then Liam said to me “Please follow us”. I turned around to look at Ellie, Adriana, Bethany, and Perrie. They are giving me the ‘follow them’ expression on their faces.  I go and follow them and we are walking towards the office, I was asking them why are we going to the office, but they didn’t answer me. We got inside and we went upstairs and into a room.  We all sat down and Paul their manager was waiting for us. Paul handed out a script and asked me “Would you like to be part of a new One Direction Movie?”  

I was in shock, I didn’t know what to say or do, I was wondering in my head why me? I replied back   “I would love to, but why do you want me to be in this new movie?”  Paul was explaining to me that he saw my twitter page and because I kept on tweeting to all of the boys to follow me, he told the boys to follow me and then had an idea to make a movie and thought instantly of me to be in it. While Paul was explaining it, Harry was flirting with me, but none of the boys knew that my favourite member in One Direction was Louis. After Paul finished explaining he asked me who is my favourite or who I like the most in 1D and I said Louis. After I said that Harry stopped flirting with me and instantly looked at Louis. Louis was looking at Harry giving the expression ‘Why are you looking at me for?’ Louis then looks at me and said ‘Thanks’. I give him a smile back and he asks for a hug, I knew Louis was doing it on purpose to Harry, but I didn’t mind. 

We looked at the script together and Paul was explaining what we need to do. After Paul talked about it, I noticed there were three doors on one side of the room and three more on the other. I was about to ask why are there six doors in the room but I noticed there where names on the door, one for each member of 1D and me. I was about to ask why my name was on a door, but before I could say anything Louis said “ These are our dressing rooms and your one is over there in between mine and Liam’s you can go in your dressing room if you want”  I replied back saying “ Thanks I will”

 I go in looking around, there was heaps of beautiful clothes and shoes in the walk in wardrobe, a dressing table, couch, T.V and a laptop. I walk in the wardrobe exploring the exquisite clothes and shoes. I was saying to myself “Wow, I wish these were mine.’  I hear a knock at the door and I say “Come in”. I turned around to see who it was and it was Louis. Louis sits down on the couch and tells me to sit down. I sat down next him and he says “Sorry about Harry, you know how he is with flirting with every girl he sees”. “That’s ok, we all know how he is”  I said.  “Can I ask you a question?” Louis said. I gave him a nod and a smile, “Why am I your favourite?” he says.

I looked at him and gave him a cheeky smile and said “You are so adorable, caring, cute and funny, words just can’t explain how gorgeous you are.”   He looks at me gave me a smile, then kisses me on the cheek and says “Thank you, a girl has never said anything like that to me” I looked at him saying “That’s ok”.  Then Harry knocks at the door saying “Steph, it’s Harry, can I come in?” I look at Louis and gives me a nod. I reply back saying “ Yes, come in Harry” Harry opens the door and noticed that Louis was there and before he said anything to Louis, he says to me “ Sorry that I was flirting with you, I didn’t know that you liked Louis” “ That’s ok, can we still be friends” I said “ Sure, I would like that” He says. Harry turns to look at Louis and also apologies to Louis, “Sorry Louis, I didn’t know, are you mad at me?” he says. “That’s ok Harry, and no I am not mad at you, can we still be mates?” Louis said.  Harry said “Yes!!!! Of course I want to be your friend” Louis stands up and gives Harry a hug. Harry gives me a smile and then leaves. Louis says “I need to go too, you need to go back to class now, and it is just about time to go to home” “Yes, I will see you tomorrow” I say. Louis then said “We will pull you out of class sometime during the day tomorrow, and we have a copy of your timetable so we know where to find you” “Ok see you tomorrow” I said.  I walked out of my dressing room and said goodbye to everyone, before I left they all gave me there numbers just in case and I gave them mine. I walk down the stairs and exit out of the office and walk straight to my locker. Ellie, Adriana, Bethany and Perrie saw me at my locker and they all came running to me and asking me questions. I didn’t answer any of their questions, but I told them everything that happen. I thought that they would get jealous because I am in the movie and no one else, but they were really happy for me.  I went to homeroom and I didn’t say anything about what happened because I didn’t want to brag about it. The bell went and I went to straight to the car park where my mum was waiting for me, I got in the car and told her what happened on the way home.

It was the next day, I was in class and Harry & Louis comes knocking at the door and asks for me everyone in my class where all excited when they saw Harry & Louis, but where wondering why are they asking for me. They all started asking questions and I said “I will tell you later or the teacher can explain”. The teachers at my school knew about the movie and me getting pulled out of class, so the teachers knew when the One Direction Boys come to the door they know I need to go.  I left the classroom and walked with them to where I was yesterday with them. We got into the room and Paul said that we are going to practise our lines. We went through the script and there was a scene where Harry starts to like me and during that scene he kisses me. When I saw that page I instantly thought what Louis is going to think since he knows that I like him. Before we started reading our lines on that page, I ask for Louis and tell him that I need to talk to him. We go in my dressing room and

 I said to him “Do you know what is on that page”

“Yes, the scene where you and Harry kiss” he said

“Aren’t you upset that he kisses me” I said to Louis

“Of course, because I really like you but just thinking about it, it is only for the movie and when I saw that page I thought that after you do that scene you will start to have feelings for Harry and forget about me” Louis said

“Louis, I really like you too and that kissing scene will mean nothing, and I will talk to Harry to let him know that, even though it is for the movie it won’t mean anything”   I said

“Ok good” Louis said.

Louis and I were taking a while and Zayn knocks on the door and asks if we are coming out. Louis and I stand up and walk towards the door, Louis then holds my hand, I open the door and the boys notice that we are holding hands and I quickly let go. I go and sit in my seat and said “let’s continue’. We continued reading and we started doing first – fourth scene. Paul said that tomorrow we are going to do the kissing scene. When I heard him say that I walked over to Harry and I pulled him over to me and I told him that we need to talk. He walks over to his dressing room and opens the door, we sit down and I explained to him that when we do the kissing scene, it won’t mean anything. Harry understood and said that he knows that Louis and I are getting really close and doesn’t want to ruin it. I gave him a hug and I said to him “Thanks, I knew you will understand”. Harry and I walk out and I told the boys I will see you tomorrow. After I left, Liam, Niall and Zayn were asking Harry and Louis why I wanted to talk to them. Louis first explained what happened including when we were holding hands and Harry explained afterwards. Louis was telling the lads that he really likes me and doesn’t know if he should go out with me. Harry tells Louis that you should ask her, just call her tonight and see what she says. 

So..... what do you think???? Please comment!!! xoxo 

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