Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Steph's POV Monday late afternoon

I told the boys earlier about James and I am so realeved that its not a secret. I quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed my sports girl bag and put in all of my essentials that I need. I made my way down the stairs and closed up the back door and locked it and the windows as well. I told the boys that I was ready and they made there way to the car and I checked to see that everything was clean and locked. I locked the front door and made my way to the boy's car.

15 mins later

We arrived at house and Louis took me upstairs to his room and tells me to put my bag on the chair.

"Where are the towels Lou?" I asked him

"They are in the corridor closet. Do you want to have a shower?"

"Thanks and yeah but I will before I got to bed."

"oh okay, let's go downstairs and watch a movie with the others and order some pizza." Louis said smiling and taking my hand.

"So what movie you guys want to watch?" Liam said, while Louis and I took a seat on the couch and put his arm around me.

"How about Jack and Jill?" I said

"Yeah sure and I'll order some pizza as well" Liam said smiling going through the movies in the T.V cabinet.


After we watched Jack and Jill we decided to have a comedy movie marathon. We ended up watching three movies all together.

"I'm going to have a shower" I said getting up

"I'll come with you" Louis said with a smirk

"In your dreams Tomlinson"

"Oh it is babe" he said with a cheeky smile.

I heard a couple of laughs and walked up the stairs and grab some towels and my pyjamas. I quickly had a shower and got dressed and put my clothes in a plastic bag and put it inside my bag and put my wet hair in a messy bun. I went downstairs and went to the lounge room where the others are.

"I'm going to go to bed. Thanks for letting me stay over" I said

"It's okay babe, I'm glad that you can stay, I'm going to go to bed as well, Night Lads" Louis said

"You are always welcome to stay over Steph." Liam said

"Thanks. Night boys" I said

"Night" they all said

Louis and I walked up the stairs. I grabbed my bag and looked for my toothbrush and toothpaste and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked out to see Louis in his boxers. I looked away quickly smiling to myself and put my toothbrush and paste back in my bag and got into bed. Louis snuggled closer to me and kissed me on the lips.

"Good night beautiful" he said

I smiled " Good night Louis"

Next Morning-

I Woke up just after 6:30. I was awake but I kept my eyes closed. Few minutes later I feel a heavy body on top of me. I opened my eyes to see Louis on my stomach.

"Good morning babe!" he said kissing me

"Good morning Louis" I said happily

"Did you have a good sleep?" he asked rolling off of me

"Yes, did you?"

"Yes, better than ever before"

"and why is that?"

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