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Sqaishy's P.O.V.


        Today I was thinking of going back home. It has been about a month and I bet my mom misses me. I know my dad doesn't, he never really liked me.

        "Hey guys." I said coming down the stairs. "I was thinking about home." Stampy got up of the sofa to say morning. "Feeling homesick?" Stampy asked me. "Kinda, I think it would be time to go back." I replied slumping into the first chair I saw. Squid poked his head from around  Stampy and looked up to him. "Maybe it is for the best." He said. "For the best of what Squid nugget?" Stampy asked Squid questionably. "Just the fact she has family as well as you." Squid replied drinking what looked like a smoothy.

        I went upstairs and packed up what was mine. I then came downstairs seeing my friends look at me with sad looks. Amy came up to me and said, "Be careful with your dad champ." I saw Amy trying not to cry. "Don't worry i will visit again soon." I said to Amy giving her a hug. "Stampy, Squid keep up with the videos i will watch them all, call you later Stamps." Stampy looked up at me and smiled, "Love you Sqaishy."

        I started to walk out the door when I felt a hand go around my waist. "Hmm?" I said looking behind me. "Stampy what's up?" Stampy looked at my eyes and kissed me. "I just wanted it one more time for a while." I smiled at Stampy, walked out the door while shutting it slowly. "I sure will miss them." I mummbled to myslef.

        At the train station i sat next to a friendly kid. "Oh, hello I'm your biggest fan." The brown-haired girl said to me. "Oh, hi." I replied putting my head up slightly. "Are you ok?" The girl asked me. "Yeah, it is just the fact I left my friends after being there for a month." I said putting my head back down. "Well hi I'm Sammy, I can sit here with you until one of our trains arive." Sammy said to my giving me a tiny grin. "I'd like that Sammy." I replied hugging the little girl.

                                                                        TIME LAPS


               My train arrived and I said bye to the little girl. She gave me a hug and took one last picture. While i was on the train the train gave a big jerk. "Ahh!" I yelled bumping into the people next to me then finally falling to the ground. "Sorry pasengers the train will be stopping here for a while, something has stopped the train and people need to fix it. Please remain calm and stay in your seats."

        Once the train stopped i got a mysterious call. I answered the call and it was my dad. "Where are you! You should have been home! I knew you were just a b*****!" I scrambled to hang up the phone and when i did i felt a huge thing of... I dont know how to describe it. I quickly called Stampy to tell him something important.

                                                                                           Authors note

        Oh cliffhanger, unless u know what i am going to put next. Sorry for not uploading i need suggestions i am getting very destracted as well. I've been working on my new song I am thinking of calling it heartbreak.

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