Like a lot of other people, I'm bored in lockdown (corona sucks). And like a lot of other people, I enjoy things that have no real purpose other than happiness (like annoying people with useless facts).
So, with that in mind, here is a book fille...
Rubber bands last longer when they are refrigerated
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The natural rubber that is used to make rubber bands crystallises over time, which causes 'dry rot' and makes the rubber crumbly and no longer elastic. Putting them in a colder atmosphere slows down that conversion, as there is less energy in the rubber band to allow is to crystallise.
Dynamite contains peanuts
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Dynamite contains a compound called nitroglycerine, which is extremely unstable, and can detonate with the slightest jolt. Nitroglycerine contains a chemical called glycerol, which is made using the rich oils extracted from peanuts.
The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses
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It was a poem called 'Hymn to Liberty' or 'Hymn to Freedom' and was written in 1823 by Dionysios Solomos. No one in Greece has memorised all 158 verses.
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar
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