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The ground suddenly trembled.

The strange event prompted shock inside Inanna's Priestess, surprise filling her whole body. She grabbed her seat to stabilize herself and looked as other temple followers fell and screamed with terror, their hands protecting their sensitive ears from the deafening sound of the earthquake.

A horrible noise echoed through all parts of the Kingdom. Something, somewhere... anywhere, was producing the appalling sonance, like the tolling of a bell. The air vibrated, those who heard it - felt their souls oppressed by an unknown force, subjecting them to fears they were not even aware of.

Thus, the victims of this abomination began to pray to their gods, imploring their pardons and asking their help to be protected.

The Priestess glanced through the window and observed the mountains far away. Those silhouettes on the horizon that she had always feared for all her life long. While adepts cried, fear invaded her instead. Not due to the defeaning sound and the frightening earthquake, no, but because she was sure she knew the meaning of such a phenomenon.

She had received a dark heritage, passed down for generations. She had hoped not to be the one to have to accomplish this tragic fate. It was a cursed and heretical heritage, a blasphemy for her beloved gods.

But it was inevitable.

The ground calmed down and as the sound vanished, a long - eerie silence settled.. before the cries of terror and pain coming from outside of the temple hollowed.

The priestess stood up from her chair, trying her best to regain some composure. Her mind was flooded with thoughts and the knowledge she possessed...while assistants came to check for any injuries. But with quick reassurance, she ordered them to go and assist the inhabitants of Uruk.

But, one came from behind her, and the priestess looked at her personal assistant. "Go get Uruk's fastest messenger and bring them to me!" She ordered coldly - voice slightly shaking and slightly muffled by her emotions.

Although surprised, the assistant set off to find the messenger and rather quickly, she returned with a young man. The priestess approached him, once they were alone, and gave him some coin to pay in advance.

" Far north you will find an old prison. In the depths of it and in the oldest of the cages, an unnamed prisoner has been waiting for a long time. Bring him in front of me quickly and you and your family will be graciously rewarded."

The messenger found it strange, but without a word he obeyed and on horseback, he traveled through the regions of Mesopotamia in search of this old prison. When he finally reached the place, they were surprised to see him. Swiftly, he passed on the Priestess's request and to everyone's surprise, one jailer knew who he was talking about.


Several days passed before the messenger reappeared. Carefully, he introduced the prisoner to the priestess.

He was an old man with a bony body - weak and fragile. His skin was gray, hair white, long and dirty. While a measly torn cloth, attempted to hide the pitiful body, lying on the floor.

The priestess stared at the prisoner, hiding her fear and apprehension behind a stern appearance, while the other followers studied the poor man in pity.

A generous reward was bestowed upon the messenger and an order to take care of the old man was ejected.

"Let him be purified in the sacred bath and be prepared for a ceremony." Questioning eyes heeded her way, but without a word, they obeyed her.

Sacrifice (EN) Gilgamesh X ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now