"omg jill has a pp [ not clickbait]" - Bee 2021
"says the one who didn't know that they needed to clean their coochie in the shower" - Mina 2021
"it smells like smoke is my bus exploding?" -cris 2021
"P-p-p-ut it-t i-in onii-i-i-c-c-chan" - Cris 2021
"Why is my phone still alive" - Mari 2021
"My fyp is ✨ yummy ✨ now" - Mari 2021
"my half sister is over and she is crazy i want to throw her out a window" - Minty 2021
"Im confused is that WHAT or HAWT" - Lemon 2021
"Hey mamas falls off rock" - Cris
"We must get jilly someone named peanut"
"About to rock this nurses shit if she don't show those damn receipts" - Suna 2020