1. People tend to get goals done quicker with help

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Bellatrix's POV

I'm really bored right now. I'm currently sitting at the dining table in the Malfoy Manor, at a death eater meeting. Nothing interesting has happened in like, a week. It's all boring stuff to do with laying low. The Dark Lord says that we have to lay low so we don't get caught. But we've been laying low, ish, for fourteen years. Everyone thinks he's dead, that baby not dying did create a pretty decent excuse to fake his death, y'know, to decrease the risk of getting caught. Everyone also believed the ministry when they said I was in Azkaban. Never been, does sound kinda fun though.

I heard a clock chime, snapping me out of my thoughts and signalling the end of the meeting. "Well my friends, that's all for today. Everyone can go ,except for you Bellatrix. You're all excused." I heard the Dark Lord say. "Thank you my Lord." We all said in sync. Everyone was gone except from me and the Dark Lord. I think I can stop calling him that now. It was just me and Tom.


He took off his glamour. He looked like an actual human now. "Hey." He whispered, moving closer to me.

"Hi." I said. He came over to me and snaked his arms round my waist pulling us closer together. Yes, I'm in a relationship with the dark Lord. But I did get divorced like, 5 years ago. Because I slept with the Dark Lord. But that doesn't matter, I don't think. But a perk about being in a relationship with the Dark Lord, is that I know what's happening and when before everyone else does. That means I know why we're laying lower.

"I missed you." He whispered in my ear then kissed me.

"I missed you too." I whispered. I know his plans. I knew what he was planning when I started helping him achieve that goal.

"I missed you more." He whispered. "Can I?" He asked. I nodded and he moved to my neck.

"I don't think you did." I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt my back be slammed into a cold wall. I knew what he wanted to achieve before we got close. I heard the zip of my dress get pulled down and I dragged my hands into his hair. I brought him to the achievement quicker. He ripped my dress off and threw it aside. I unbuttoned his shirt that he wore under his 'voldy fit' and threw it over with my dress, his tongue still down my throat. People tend to get goals done quicker with help.

Light in the dark ~ Bellatrix x Tom Riddle story Where stories live. Discover now