Part Three

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Part Three

Almost fifty miles away, Harry Styles jolts from his bed, coughing and sputtering from the endless amount of tubing down his throat. His heart monitor picks up faster, triggering a loud alarm from the machine. A nurse comes in and removes the tubes from Harry’s throat and nose, and then grabs his hand while her other arm checks his forehead.

“Harry! Are you alright? Your heart took a mighty leap there.”

He stares up at her, eyes wide, before he realizes that his head isn’t pounding behind his eyes, practically blinding him like usual. In fact, Harry feels perfect. No headache, no pains or aches, no anything. If Harry could take a wild guess, he would say he isn’t dying of a terminal disease.

“Yeah… I mean, yes, I’m fine. Perfect, actually.”

Harry looks around his room and notices a familiar face missing; Louis. He turns to the nurse.

“Ma’am, where’s Louis?”

“He left a few hours ago. He said he’d back soon.”

Harry feels himself frown and wishes Lou was here to see him feeling better. He knows it’d be the one thing that could possibly light up Louis’ face for the first time in a while since they found out Harry was sick. The nurse next to Harry picks up a walking stick and hands it to Harry.

“You have another MRI scan this morning, so let’s not be late. We need to keep good track of that tumor.”

Harry stands up from the bed with ease and shocks even himself. It was only yesterday that he could hardly make it to the bathroom without Louis carrying him, and now he can walk without even a flinch? The nurse stares at him and Harry can feel a wide smile taking up his entire face. He only wishes Louis was here to see all this.


Louis feels like his car couldn’t possibly go any slower as he races back to the hospital. He catches every possible red light and he groans as he slams his hand on the steering wheel for what feels like the eightieth time. Time seems to tick by faster and faster, seconds turning into minutes far too quickly. It’s almost been an hour since Louis’ encounter with her… the mysterious devil who he wouldn’t have believed her existence until she popped up at the bar with her haunting black eyes and chilling smile. He thinks back to her and shudders, wondering how she could possibly be real.

What if this whole thing was some crazy hallucination Louis had thought up on his own? He’s so desperate for Harry to be okay, to be healthy again, that he wonders if his brain made up this entire thing. How could the devil be here on Earth, in the body of a woman, willing to make deals with someone as small as him? It doesn’t make sense and Louis runs his hands through his hair, yanking on it, trying to convince himself this is some terrifying nightmare he’ll wake up from with a jolt.

He’s finally in the hospital parking lot and he flings himself from the car, not even bothering to lock the door behind him. His legs feel like lead as he tries to run faster, faster through the hospital doors to Harry’s room. He runs into nurses, random people, even children as he sprints through the halls but he doesn’t even mutter one apology. All that matters right now is Harry.

He finally sees the door he’s looking before but he stops with his hand on the doorknob. What if he was right and the devil hadn’t been real? What if Harry was still sick, half alive in his hospital bed? The thought strikes him in the heart like pins and needles. He doesn’t know if he could bare seeing Harry ill anymore, especially after being promised his health. Louis grips the knob and takes a deep breath, preparing himself for the worst. A bright light hits his face, the sun streaming through the windows for the first time since Harry has been admitted. He turns and Harry is sitting Indian style on the bed, his face glowing, a smile stretching from ear to ear. His curls are no longer tucked underneath a beanie, but laying sloppily on top of his head. Louis feels his eyes begin to sting with hot tears seeing Harry so happy, so healthy.

“Hazza…” His voice cracks on the word and he lets a tear fall down his cheek.

“Lou… I’m better.”

“What do you mean, better?”

Harry’s smile grows even wider and he stands up from the bed, grabbing his curls, like he can’t believe what he’s about to say.

“I had an MRI this morning and my tumor… it’s just gone. They can’t even find a trace of it being there in the first place. I’m better, Lou.”

Louis stands in front of him, words failing him and he takes Harry in. It’s been months since Harry has stood on his own two feet without help, or his words cracked under the strain of speaking… and now he’s completely healthy, just like the devil promised. Harry giggles and holds out his arms.

“Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come kiss me?”

Louis laughs and runs to him, wrapping his arms completely around Harry’s neck and kissing him fully on the mouth, not hesitating for even a second to let his tongue collide with Harry’s. Louis can feel him smiling against his lips and it’s enough to make his stomach flutter. His heart soars in his chest as Harry wraps his arms around Louis’ waist and grips hard, his strength no longer a factor. Then Louis pulls away from him and stares into his eyes, trying to so hard to fight back tears, knowing everything was worth it. Even though he knows he’s only got five more years left with him, to enjoy Harry in all his wonder, he knows it’s worth it. Seeing this smile on Harry’s face, seeing the glow on his cheeks and the glisten in his eyes… Louis knows he made the right decision.

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