Chapter 1: The Surprise

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Knock knock knock

After just finishing up my simple breakfast of eggs and toast, I hear a knock at my front door.

Y/N: Who the heck comes knocking at peoples doors this early in the morning?

Getting up off my couch I walk over to the front door of my teeny tiny house. Upon open up the door I am greeted with a smiling pink haired girl with ocean blue eyes.

???: Morning Y/N

Y/N: Sera? What are you doing here so early?

Sera: I came over with a little surprise for you.

Y/N: Surprise?

Sera: Yea, Its the second day of summer break so I decided that we should hangout more often, soooo...

Y/N: So what?

Sera: So I bought 2 tickets to a K/DA concert. Its not like there VIP tickets or anything so you don't have to worry about me paying to much.

Y/N: K/DA... Is that the pop group your always ranting on about?

Sera: Yup that's the one.

Y/N: As much as I appreciate this I don't thing Ill go, you know I don't like crowded places. Why don't you go with one of your other friends?

Sera: You know your my best friend, and you need to get out more often.

Y/N: Really Sera I don't want to go.

Sera: P-please?

Y/N: -_- No.

Sera started using puppy eyes, one of my weakness'.

Y/N: I said no. F-fine I'll go with you, but just this once.

Sera: Great! The concert is tomorrow, ill come by and pick you up at around 4pm.

Y/N: Ok. So Do you have anything planned for today?

Sera: No not yet.

Y/N: Well while your here do you want to finish that song we were working on?

Sera: Sure why not, But its not like I actually sing much it's mostly you.

Y/N: But my voice can't go as high as yours.

Sera: I guess you right, well lets get started then.

We head into my tiny little recording room, with a keyboard acoustic and electric guitar, and mic. After a bit of warming up and after putting on my mask we start recording.

The Mask

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