Chapter Two - Killing

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I slipped through the door and as soon as it shut I leaned against it, my head tilted back.

"Does he remember anything?" Karpov asked me.

"No." I responded. I didn't know why I was lying but I felt that I had to protect him a little.

"Escort her back to her room. You find your next objective in the bathroom, on the counter." He stated, turning on his heels and leaving through a pair of double doors.

I was escorted back to my room and as I entered I noticed another new bag on the table opposite the bed. Although, my head was still pounding so I set myself down on the bed and laid there for a few moments.

After some minutes had passed I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I open the bag and found an assortment of toiletries with once again, another note.

Take the pills in the black container and then go to sleep.

I was very confused but I didn't want to get myself killed so I did so. 10 minutes had passed and I started to see black spots all around the room which accentuated my head ache, so I closed my  eyes. And before I knew it, I was passed out. But maybe these pills were gonna kill me.

I woke up frantically on what seemed to be a hospital cot with my arms and feet tied to the railings. "What's happening!" I shouted, this caught the attention of the nurse standing at the door talking to another soldier. she ushered him away and then turned back to me.

"ты чувствуешь боль?" The nurse said, I gave her a confused expression but before I could say anything, there was a familiar voice from behind her.

"She said 'Do you feel any pain?'" Karpov gave an answer to my expression.

"What's happening? Why an I tied up?" I said once again, jiggling in the bed as a form of protest.

"Oh stop, your fine." Said an American voice from behind him.

I gave Karpov a glare, "Who are you?" I asked.

"Now you," He pointed his finger at me a little. "don't need to know that right now." Then finished with a smirk. He leaned in to Karpov and said in a faint whisper which I could only just about make out. "If it's in her, why is she still in here?"

"She only just woke up, we wouldn't want to rush anything, would we?" Karpov responded.

"Well she's awake now, so get her untied and into the training room with the soldier. She needs to know how to use him as an asset." The man finished up and left, leaving Karpov staring at me. he caught the attention of the nurse and pointed at me, indicating to untie me. I sat there a bit puzzled. The nurse helped me up and led me behind a curtain where she handed me some clothes to put on. It was a black one piece suit with cargo pants style bottom; with slots for what I assumed were to hold knifes and a gun. I zipped up and clicked the belt in place. An officer met me outside the door to lead me to the training room where for the second time I remember, there was a flash in my eyes and a memory popped up.

"Heyo, you ready?" I said skipping into the training room. Next to one wall there was a table with different weapons lying there. Next to table was the Winter Soldier playing with one of the knives in his hand. I stood there mesmerised as the knife intertwined through each of his finger before he clutched it and threw it at the door next to me, pulling me out of my daze.

"Well that was rude." I sighed. The Winter Soldier slowly made his way towards me stopping one foot away.

"Never let your guard down."

"I didn't."

"You were in a daze." He said dully.

"Well you distracted me." The soldier started to get closer, pushing me against the door. He lifted up my hand and then with his other hand, he yanked the knife out of the door. placing the knife in my hand he stated, "We've got knife throwing today." Before backing away slightly.

I clutched the knife in my hand, feeling a little flustered. Then I threw it to the target, hitting just out side the centre.

It was as if we were replaying the whole day, as when I walked through the door of the training room, there he stood at a table presenting certain weapons. My breath hitched when he turned to face me and we locked eyes.

"Train." Grumbled the officer behind me. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the room and grabbed the knife.

"Hello, again." I said to the soldier.

"More therapy?" He joked.

"No, not today." I joked back. With a swift motion I threw the knife slightly startling the soldier beside me.

"What did the American man want with you?" He queried.

"Umm, I don't know. But lets get started." I changed the subject swiftly.

He didn't say anything, he just picked up his own set of knives and started throwing.

—Three Days Later—

I was clutching his waist as my hair danced in the wind. Those three days had enlighten me to new memories. The memories of the manipulative, more observant me. So that's what I was now. And three days is a short time, but I made it work.

I remembered the words Karpov had said to me not even a week ago. "You are that mans superior. You are more powerful." I thought.

And the memory, of the exact same man I'm clutching onto, telling me that I was 'getting out of hand'.

So what if I was, that meant I could get the mission done. I wouldn't let any emotions get in that way. I had no regard to any human life apart from mine.

We drove past a car, slightly crashing into it where it smacked into a road sign. We made a u-turn when we heard the crash to 'get the mission done'.

I let go of his waist and jumped off the motorcycle. The soldier stopped the engine and hopped of too, heading to the driver. He dragged the man out of the car, but before he started to beat him I heard the driver say his last words, "Sargent Barnes." I let it go and dragged the man back to the drivers seat after the soldier had beat him to death; while the soldier choked the woman in the passenger seat.

Before we got onto the motor cycle to make an escape, I spotted a camera which also caught the soldiers attention. We both looked dead in the eye at it as I raised my gun and shot.

We left without a word and headed back to the plane to take off to Siberia.

I couldn't help myself, so I blurted out, "Sargent Barnes?"

This caught the Winter Soldiers attention, although it was confusion.

"That's what the man called you."

"I don't know what he was talking about." He stated bluntly as we resorted back to silence.

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