(not a chapter)

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                            'when ur thinking'
                            "when ur talking"
                'when i'm narrating'
                            "others talking"
                          'others thinking'
anyways back to what i was going to say my name is ashley nice to meet all of you me and my friend Animexloser are making a joint story so we both hope you like it if you wanna understand some of the story you should read her's when it comes out lolz sorry i don't really know when it is going to but when i does i'll post about it but hope you enjoy this story also make sure you drink some water, get some sleep and eat some food cause you need and deserve it i love you all muah (ALSO SORRY FOR ALL THE STUFF ON THE TOP BUT ILL TRY TO REMEMBER TO PUT IT IN THE BEGINNING OF EACH STORY SO YK)

147 word

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