{Chapter/Episode 4}

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The day of the Sports festival-


Ray's POV:

Fayumi Tokoami and me were all walking down the street to UA they had just come down to my house to pick me up, so we could walk together and talk a plan out for the sports festival. Fayumi was straight up hyper and excited for the whole walk and Tokoami was looking worried for some reason. So I just waited to ask her at the classroom, but we stopped at McDonalds to get a quick snack and then we would start racing down to school, it was Fayumi's idea. {Ik there are no McDonalds in Japan but like what is a story without McDonalds :^ }

Fayumi: LETS GOOO!!!

Ray: I'm coming. I'm still tired okay-?

Fayumi: Excuses!

Tokoami: yea man, if you were determined for this "SpOrTs FeStIvAl" you would at least be more hyper or excited-

Ray: ...I just have some stuff on my mind-

Tokoami: -looks at him up and down- Looks like this "stuff" is weighing ya down...You good?

Ray: -laughs- Heh yea!

Fayumi: I might be stupid but like I can even see you aren't fine.

Ray: I will talk about it after school okay?

Fayumi: Okie!

{10 minutes later they arrived at UA and headed to the classroom}


Tokoami: Ima go calm her down...See ya!

Ray: -waves- See ya Tokoami-kun

Spencer: HEYA!

Ray: -turns around- Oh hey Spencer! Excited I see?

Spencer: YEP!

Wolf: This will be "Fun"!

Torcher: -walks in- Hey Ray!

Ray: TORCHER! Heya!

Torcher: Excited to see me? -looks at him-

Ray: W-What made you t-think that....?

Torcher: -ruffles hair- Oh nothing~ -chuckles-

Spencer: ooooh~!

Flurry: hey love birds but the bell gonna ring soon-

Cole: -walks in- So sit down!

Ray: Make me!

Cole: Torcher-

Torcher: On it. Soldier sit down for me pwetty pwease~!

Ray: H-H-HEY!!! -goes to his seat flustered-

Torcher: Heh- Sorry Ray!

Axel: Move it you bunch of nobodies

Ray: -has his head down on his desk- Say's the one who can't fight a cat without getting scared and yelping like a girl.

Axel: -walks over to Ray and hits him on the head- What was that?

Ray: -stands up quickly having some sort of black come from the side of his face- SORRY DID YOU NOT HEAR ME! CAUSE. I. WON'T. REPEAT. AGAIN! -pushes Axel back and punches him-


Ray: I WILL!

Nelly: Damn what did I walk into?

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