-𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕: 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩-

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^✨Pussy Magnet✨^
(heyo quick a/n before the chapter starts but Sora's gonna have another semblance called flash step and it basically is running but really fast to the point that it looks like teleporting, and when did she get it? Idk, anyways enjoy the new chapter :DD)

𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Glynda: "yes students the forest of forever fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see, professor peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest and I'm here to make sure none of you die, while doing so"

Sora: 'wasn't that my job?'

Glynda: "each of you is to gather one jars worth of red sap however, this forest is full of the creatures of grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates, we will (idk what she said) back here at 4:00, have fun"

Cardin: "C'mon buddy let's go"

Scene switch

Currently we see team crdl chilling while jaune walks in and drops the red sap he's holding falling on the ground soon after

Cardin: "hey great work jauney boy, now rhat wasn't too hard was it?" (jesus his voice is awful)

Jauns: "i think I'm allergic to this stuff"

Cardin: "grrreat great great, so jaune, i bet you're asking yourself "why did my buddy Cardin ask me to get six jars of tree sap when there's only five of us""

Jaune: "that is one of the many questions i have asked myself today, yes"

Cardin: "well, come with me and you'll find out"

Jaune: "oh *gulps*"

The scene opens and we see team crdl and jaune looking from a hill, the thing they're looking at? Well it's team rwby, npr, and strm just collecting sap

Sora: "hey nora what do they taste like?"

Nora: "absolutely delicious"

Sora: "oh? Well don't mind if i-"

Weis: "don't do it"

Sora: "what are you my mom?"

Weiss: "no I'm just being your responsible girlfriend"

Sora: *grumbles*

Jaune: "cardin, what's going on?"

Cardin: "payback...*glares at sora*"

Jaune: "sora? What are you-"

Cardin: "that's the bitch black hair and red tips, thinks she's the best, alright boys last night little ol jaune here rounded up an entire box full of rapier(was that it? Idk) wasps, and now we're gonna put him to work"

Jaune: *scared asf*

Cardin: "now, according to one of the essays you wrote me last week these nasty things love sweets, I'm thinking it's time we teach *her a thing or two stands up* and you're *shoves jar to jaune* doing it"

Jaune: "do what?"

Cardin: "hit her with the sap, either that or I'll have a chat with goodwitch and you'll be in the first airship out of beacon"

Jaune hesitantly stares at the jar of sap slowly re thinking all of his life choices along the way, he gets in the throwing position but-

Jaune: "no(<3)"

Cardin: "what did you say?"

Jaune: "i said...no!*thross jar at Cardin*"

Cardin: "oh ho ho you've done it now"

Jaune: *fear*

Cardin pushes jaune to the ground, then holding him by the collar, then punching him

Cardin: "you know that wasn't very smart jauney boy*picks him up again* I'm gonna make sure they'll send you back to mommy in teeny tiny pieces"

Jaune: "i don't care what you do to me, but you are not messing with my friend"

Cardin: "what? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?"

Jaune weakly smiles, cardin groans and ouches him in the face, then a white light flashes and jaune is in top condition without any bruises shit like that, but then sky(i think that's his name) kicks him down

Cardin: "let's see how much of a man you really are-" *grimm growls*

Then a massive ursa appears out of nowhere, and team crdl looks like they shit themselves(who's the baby now assholes?)

Then it spots the sap on cardin's chest and starts to chase them, also cardin got slapped. For some odd reason the ursa ignores jaune and goes towards cardin's direction, oh and it slaps cardin's weapon out of the way

The scene switches and we see the others

Sora: "ok i can't be the only one hearing that right-?"

Sora gets cut off by team rdl running away from the direction the roars were coming from

Russle: "ursa! Ursa!*crashes into yang"

Yang: "where?!"

Russle: "back there it's got cardin"

Sora: "*sigh* and that's my que to leave, byeeee"

Ruby: "yang, you and blake go get professor goodwitch"

Pyrrha: "you teo go with them, there could be more"

Scene switch

Pyrrha, ruby, and weiss run in on the scene, and seeing sora eating popcorn

Weiss: "what are you doing?!"

Sora: "can we let him die?"

RWP: "no!"

Sora: "ok ok ok no need to be mad*turns swords into gun mode*"

The grimm was about to slash cardin but jaune steps in and saves him, weiss and Sora gets into a stance but Pyrrha stops them

A battle brought to you by me not knowing how to write good fight scenes

Sora: "and that's how you decapitate a head!- wait a minute...pyrrha what did you do?"

Pyrrha: *explains her semblance*

Sora: "so if you were to have a yuri harem, it would be called pussy magnet?"

Weiss: "how could you ask such lewd questions so normally like that?!"

Sora: "hehehe"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐍𝐃

(Two chapters in a day? POGGGGG)

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