My love for the beast💜Part 13

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Taehyung and others went to dorms to fetch some things.


"Kookie, how are you now baby??are you ok!!!don't hide anything from me..As a omega I can feel your sadness " Jin said and looked at the boy who is now fiddling with his fingers.

"No Jinnie, I am feeling bad. Like something/someone is coming after me. I am not sure what i am feeling right now. But one thing is I will not bring or let happen any hurts to my friends." Jungkook said and let his tears fall.

Jin and Jimin went to him and hugged him tightly. Jungkook doesn't know why he is feeling like this....He is scared. Scared of what??!!he don't know. That is what making him more sad and angry.

Suddenly all this thoughts started to suffocate him. He couldn't breath properly. His tears flowing continously.

"Jin, he is not breathing properly. Call the doctor or Tae-" Jimin couldn't finish his sentences. Door slammed open and the Alphas and Jhope came inside.

Taehyung POV

"Guys, I know!!!!I saw this tattoo!!but I couldn't remember it" Taehyung frustratedly said to his friends.

"Taehyung, please calm down. We will find him/her. First now our priority is Jungkook. Come on we will take the necessary things for this nigh-" Namjoon stopped talking when Taehyung suddenly clutched his shirt near his heart.

"Guys am gonna to see Jungkook. You all get everything needed and come. Something is wrong with him" Taehyung said started walking, but

"Taehyung, he is more important than this. Come on" Yoongi said, we nodded agreeing and started running towards Jungkook hospital room.

No one POV

Taehyung, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jhope started running towards Jungkook. Once they reached there, Taehyung opened the door.

When he saw his queen like he couldn't move from his place.

"Al-alpha" Jungkook called when he felt the presence of his Alpha. Taehyung came out of his shock and ran towards Jungkook and Hugged him tightly.

Jin and Jimin saw how Jungkook started calming down. So both decided to leave them alone for sometime. All came outside.

"Jinnie, don't be sad. We all are here for them to protect" Namjoon assured Jin who looked lost in his own thoughts. Jin blushed slightly and hugged the Alpha to calm himself. Jimin who saw this started to pout.....

But suddenly he blushed crazily because Yoongi and Jhope hugged from each of his side.

"We are here don't need to feel alone" Jhope said and Yoongi nodded agreeing. Both kissed Jimin side of his head.


"Baby calm down, don't worry....Alpha is here with you. You are safe now baby" Taehyung said to Jungkook who is now shivering.

"Al-alpha, something/someone is co-coming for me. I do-don't k-know. I a-am sc-scared. Wh-what if you a-all get hurt be-because of me" Jungkook started to blabber and crying. He is fully into his Omega mode.

(Omega - is always sensitive. So these thoughts made him more sensitive and he needed his Alpha to calm and compose himself)

Taehyung understood why Jungkook is behaving like this. So he decided to give assurance to Jungkook. He mind linked others saying

'Do not enter this room for next 10 minutes. I am going to control him. Jin, Jimin go and stand near Namjoon, Yoongi and Jhope. Because am giving control to my dragon " he said all said ok. Namjoon brought Jin to his lap. Also Yoongi and Jhope did to Jimin.

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