Another Role to play

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Moonlight POV

I hear you talk, yes... It does seem Rai likes to get to the plot quickly... And thanks for being my Friend Nobody! You're my first friend other than Dream!

Reality can be a mirror... I wonder what you see in your's?

I see, or do I? The flicker and twist of Author Magic reappears oh... It seems Author Rai has decided my Fate? Or is it destiny? Does it matter right now?

I stumbled, can one stumble in the Void? And land... Somewhere, there is light, so this must be a Multiverse or AU... Or both...

I blink, looking around... Surface? Yes, this is the surface... But where? Here, maybe there? Does that even matter? I look around, my wings folded against my back... It's an interesting place I have landed... Wonder what name it might have? Seems like Dream lost some sense here... To believe Negativity isn't needed... I shake my head

Oh, and apparently my alternate is a bit childish... Acceptable, he isn't a leader of a group of heavily feared murderers or an organization leader... And now there's guards rushing at me... Annoying, I teleport away easily, magic is far easier to use than in the Void.

Wonder if I should meet my alternate... What do you say? It might be fun... I'll wait for your replies don't worry, I know Rai has more to write! I jump off a roof, don't worry it's low level and I'm not that easy to harm... Also I have Wings, that aren't broken... Rai decided I would work better in her stories if I was healed with only some scars left...

I run through the area, glad my clothes don't catch any attention, though my aura does... Void mixed with the guardian of Negativity (former Guardian? I am not this Multiverse's...) Is easy to sense... I wish I was normal... Even for a moment... I never have been... No! Focus on other things!

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