Part 24- "God, your mouth is heaven"

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Sorry for the delay, I've been so tired lately I've had no energy to write, but I got there in the end.
I hope you enjoy 😈😈😈

Trying to distract her thoughts, Daisy focused on
getting to Spain and enjoying the next two weeks with Freddie alone.

The last time she had been on a plane was her rescue, and the association was beginning to stir feelings inside her which she didn't want creeping up.

Masterfully, Freddie was able to not only organise a private jet, but also a car and hotel for when they landed in Barcelona Spain.

Freddie's palms began to sweat. The more he tried not to focus on Daisy looking effortlessly sexy while sitting back comfortably, the more he wanted to recline her seat and fuck her.

As she buckled her belt, Daisy looked up at Freddie "are you alright?"



"Yes, what...."

Daisy's eyes widened. She knew that tone as well as what he was wanting her to say "now? Here?"

Freddie's eyes sparkled with lustful desire and control. He slowly nodded "yes"

Daisy turned around cautiously, then looked back at Freddie "but the flight attendant...."

Unbuckling his belt, Freddie stood up and walked past Daisy towards the front of the plane, where he quietly spoke to the flight attendant.

As he returned, he closed the partition and sat back in his seat. Rubbing his chin, his eyes grazed along Daisy's body, wondering where he would begin with her.

Her white dress skimmed along the middle of her thigh, exposing her soft skin, while her breathing shallowed in anticipation over his next words.

"Come here" he ordered her while he spread his legs slightly.

The plane began to speed up on the runway as it prepared for take off. Daisy wondered how safe it was for her to be standing up in that very moment and paused for a moment, waiting for Freddie to perhaps reconsider.

"Are you going to keep me waiting all day?" He asked with visible annoyance.

"But the plane it's about to...."

"Are you talking back Miss Robinson?"

"No Mr Mercury Sir" she stood up, her legs wobbled for a moment under the unsteadiness below her feet.

She collapsed onto him as the plane ascended, he smiled at her, both pleased and amused by her cute clumsiness, which made seducing her even more enjoyable.

"Nice trip?" He asked as he brushed away her hair from her face.

"Almost as nice as my destination" she replied, as she ran her hand up Freddie's chest.

"Mmm so what does my little girl want to do?" Freddie pondered while a glimmer of excited flashed across Daisy's face.

Raising his brows, Freddie licked his lips then cocked his head. Pushing Daisy to her knees, his hand slid down over the bulge in his pants. Repeatedly he began to rub himself, his eyes focused on Daisy who's own arousal was beginning to intensify.

"Well? What would you like to do for me?" He asked once more, but this time he was demanding in his question.

Daisy  nipped her lower lip and got to work on his buckle. She slid the belt from his pants and placed it to the side.

She pulled down his fly and delved inside to stroke him, smiling when his fingers tightened in her hair. "I'm going to lick you Mr Mercury," she said raising herself to his face, "and suck you," her lips travelled over his cheek and came to rest beside his ear, "until you come in my mouth."

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