A Bit More

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What does this world need?

A bit more love amongst all the hate

A bit more acceptance in an age of diversity

A bit more trust, though society's corrupt

A bit more peace in the midst of war

A bit more knowledge in a world of ignorance

A bit more respect to one another

A bit more care when all show indifference

A bit more generosity from those who can spare it

A bit more hope when all seems lost

A bit more support for those who begin to doubt

A bit more friendship to those who are lonely

A bit more morality in a time when anything goes

A bit more perserverance when everyone says to give up

A bit more appreciation in the face of beauty

A bit more music to break the silence

A bit more laughter when life looks grim

A bit more light to illuminate the darkness

A bit more listening to those who speak

A bit more dedication when things matter most

A bit more faith in those we love

A bit more God in all of us

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