Basket Ball (Chapter 4)

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If you are wondering this chapter is an inspiration from the recent episode which is episode 21 were they had them play baseball but this time it will be a basketball. 




TIME: 2:22 PM


We could see Izuku standing in front of his old students well it was more of his father former student reincarnated as he gave his father signature smile. 

Izuku: Hello you three!

Itadori: Sensei!

Izuku: Now, let clear some misunderstanding my name is Izuku Satoru and you can guess I am one of my father descendant. 

Megumi: Father?

Izuku: Well you see my current parents are neglecting me since I am quirkless so father came as a spirit and raised me those 5 years although he sadly had to part with me today since he passed his time limit. 

Nobara: The same happened to all of us. 

Izuku: All of us?

Nobara: There is Panda, Todo, Miwa, Mai, Toge, Maki and Momo. 

Izuku: Well that's lovely are they currently busy. 

Megumi: No, they probably sparing with each other far from here. 

Izuku (Excitedly): Then let's greet them and maybe even play a game of Basket Ball. 

Nobara and Itadori eye sparkle at the idea of playing a Basket Ball as they marched in front of Izuku and Megumi excitedly. 

Nobara: Let's go already!

Itadori: Yeah! Slow pokes let's play basket ball. 

Megumi: Those two are way to much. 

Izuku: Come on cheer up Megumi don't be gloomy like that! 

Megumi: Not you too sensei! 

Izuku then dragged Megumi with him as they catch up to the two excited Nobara and Itadori unaware that they were being followed by a man with googles but Izuku was aware of him and knew he was an underground hero Eraser head he decided to mess with him by looking directly at where he is hiding and waved to him. 

Eraser Head: What the hell is this kid, he knew were I was hiding that never happened before. 

Eraser Head then left some distance as he observed the kid who just continued walking away. 

Eraser Head: Let's see if he is involved with that so called super villain AFO which I hardly believe, Nezu I expect a raise after this. 


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