My best friend is an absolute genius (not really but we love her XD)

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So on v-day my friend got me a TON of candy and I was soooooo excited and hyper even before I ate anything. There was assorted chocolates, skittles, nerds, etc. But among all of this was a REAL gem.

TWO packets of fun dip. Nothing, and I mean not. a. thing. gets me more hyper than fun dip. I LOOVVVEEEE FUN DIP!!!!!!

So I just kinda look over at autumn like: You made the same mistake as last year, only TWO TIMES as bad! Are you trying get the world set up in flame?!

So I decided to have mercy on humanity and only ate one. That was enough sugar for me to not be able to keep still. I mean, if you looked at my hands, THEY WERE TWITCHING!!!!!!!!! THAT'S HOW BAD IT WAS!!!!!!!! But I enjoyed myself and made people laugh, so all is well.

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